Utopian Office Spaces: Your walls can be your new brand managers!

Ameya Mahalaxmikar
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2019

Boring,isn’t it? If this room could be personified,it would be a person who constantly get harried by statements like “Dude, you can do better!”,and the guys saying this would characteristically be equivalent to *Drum rolls* Wallpapers! *Ba dum tshh*.

From symmetrical design patterns to contemporary murals to forbidden graffiti by anonymous artists, all of it is subsumed in a Wallpaper’s design. The very fact that these are seen in office premises lately,is that they add truck loads of personality to a room and give out a distinctly cool vibe. No wonder we end up using wallpapers so much *winks and points*.

These last really long, in comparison to conventional paint(or most relationships even *cue melancholic music*) and are very easy to install and maintain.Besides, All that jazz, without taking a toll on your wallet. So if you get bored, just stick another one cause guess what? It’s cheap!

Here are some ways you can use Wallpapers to make your office space look uber-cool:

To Dictate What You Stand For

Wallpapers pretty much sum up the vibe of the entire room or a cabin, so you’d only be a fool to have gargoyles embossed on a cafeteria wall, or have monotonous colors when your employees are goth metal heads! Identify what your brand stands for and choose wallpapers accordingly,as that combination is ethereal.

An office cabin with an appropriate wallpaper is a love story,as good as Casablanca.

Who on Earth would say this office space isn’t fun and frolic now!

A Dramatization Essential

If you think it is “just a wallpaper”, then you are clearly underestimating the power of design. Apart from popping pretty colors on a wall, a wallpaper comes across as borderline anecdotal. It adds certain drama and adds onto your credibility as a brand, which may culminate to become the unique selling point of your workplace(or won’t if you don’t follow point number 1).

One Wallpaper and a drastic change in vibe!

“COVER”ing Up

The last thing you want while looking at an exquisite design, is a hindrance that doesn’t let you. In office spaces generally it is cabinets and doors, which can get covered using transparent or translucent wallpapers, and that is as satisfying as ad free music.Yes.THAT.

Making you feel some Office ASMR!

Accepts Accents And Accents It

Does it have to stop at a good wallpaper? Of Course it doesn’t. You can add other wall murals and decor elements,also because you still got all that money you saved by not getting your walls painted.

We bet the only time you looked left,was when you started reading this!

Minimal But Effective

It definitely does not stop at a good wallpaper,but even having one at most makes you stand out already,as it adds an element of art making your office space modern and contemporary. Besides,a good background to a few Instagram worthy pictures is an incentive you just cannot ignore!

Bob is happy. You are happy. What else could one ask for!

Vibe For Real

If you are not out to rescue the world, and are up for something personal,you can use a wallpaper to motivate yourself or get a personal piece of art on it, or literally anything you want except a self portrait,cause that would be quite narcissistic and pretty weird!

From Claustrophobic to Motivating!

Now that,is exactly how a mere wallpaper can elevate the personality of your office premises. To write this down like an ideal synopsis at the back of a novel, you totally need to get one in your office, to understand why it is labelled as a tried and tested design hack. And even if you get bored eventually, you could get it replaced at the snap of a finger(unless you are Tony Stark,*sobs*Gosh,we aren’t over him,are we?).Nonetheless, WE LOVE WALLPAPERS, 3000!

