Business document translation: When do you need it?

Flitto Localization
7 min readDec 4, 2023

Business document translation is one among many types of translation services.

When we say “translation,” it seems that many people think of creative translation first, like movies or books. But business translation is the hidden gem behind any multinational corporation or global brand!

The right translation matters in helping businesses flourish internally, foster great relationship with users and stakeholders, and even avoid legal disputes.

In this article, we’ll look into what business document translation is, and some types of documents that need professional translators’ attention.

What is business document translation?

Business document translation pertains to the project of adapting any corporate document into other languages to reach the right audience.

Each type of business document translation requires different skills and knowledge. To begin with, “business document” is such a broad umbrella term for its diversity! It’s important to have the right translator and editor be assigned to the different sub-branches of business documents.

When do we need business document translation services?

Apart from the obvious ones like product descriptions and slogans, there are plenty of corporate documents that require the attention of professional translation service providers.

Here are some less obvious areas where translation services are essential.

Human Resources Documents & Internal Communications

Internal communications matter for any global enterprises.

HR documents and internal communications documents need to be translate if the enterprise comprises of brilliant individuals who come from different backgrounds. In another case, the company might operate subsidiary offices in multiple countries.

These are some examples of documents that need to be translated in such cases.

Employee Handbooks

In the global landscape, many companies hire employees who come from diverse backgrounds. Some employees might not be comfortable with the first spoken language.

To ensure every employee has access to company policies and understand them, it’s greatly beneficial to keep multilingual employee handbook.

This way, the company can avoid unfortunate misunderstandings and trouble.

Training manuals

Teams are meant to cooperate and work towards a common goal, regardless of their language and background. A well-translated, coherent training manual can be the key to align a global team’s goal.

External Reports

External reports are crucial to businesses, as they serve as the bridge in communicating the state of the business to external stakeholders.

Annual reports

Annual reports are comprehensive documents produced by companies at the end of each fiscal year, summarizing their financial performance, operations, and outlook. These reports, which often include financial statements and analysis, serve as a vital tool for shareholders and potential investors to assess the company’s health and strategic direction.

Investor communications

Investor communications involve the strategies and materials a company employs to engage with its investors.

External reports place high value on succinct, accurate communication. Translated versions must also strive to reflect it.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports

CSR reports document a company’s initiatives and commitments to social and environmental responsibility. These reports provide an account of the company’s efforts in areas like sustainability, ethical practices, and community involvement, offering stakeholders a transparent view of its contributions beyond financial metrics.

Who are the best translators for these documents?

Ideally, the translators should possess a deep understanding of financial terminology, accounting principles, and the regulatory frameworks governing the preparation of such reports.

Because the documents’ goal is to ensure accurate and clear communication of financial information to a diverse audience, maintaining accuracy is another key factor in translating these documents. A wrong digit, or even a minor symbolic typo, can be detrimental to the company’s integrity crucial mistake.

Additionally, to better ensure the quality of these documents, the translation team (including translators, editors, and proofreaders) must be well-versed in using quality assurance tools.

Well-written, concise sentences are crucial in any reading experience. The abovementioned documents are packed with vital and specific information, so the ability of the translator to maintain the original tone and to avoid flowery language is also important.

Product Documentation

Product documentation refers to the set of written materials that aim to enhance user experience by providing information about the product. It’s an integral part in any product, regardless of its tangibility.

Given its nature, this type of document functions very closely with the users, or the consumers of the product.

A high-quality localization assists in giving the impression that the company cares about the users’ culture. In other words, it can make or break a company’s impression.

Let’s look into what types of product documentation there are.

User Manuals

User manuals are instructional guides that enhance user understanding of the product. Their content includes how to install, operate, and troubleshoot the product.

These manuals usually come with physical products, in a little booklet form. Because the space often tends to be quite limited, concision is key in the translation process.

No one, regardless of the language they speak, wants to read complicated user manuals!

Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are a hybrid of marketing and product documentation. They need to provide a sharp summary on a product’s key features, specifications, and benefits.

The source texts for these product description often embody a specific intention by the writer. For instance, the writer or marketer may have intended the description to convey a certain brand or tone.

Ideally, the original writer should be a part of the translation project loop. It would be even greater if the project includes someone who specializes in transcreation.

Safety Guidelines

Safety guidelines are important instructions outlining precautions and procedures to ensure the safe use of a product or activity. They prioritize user well-being and prevent potential hazards.

Clear and effective communication is crucial in translating safety guidelines. The translation should also ensure that readers will not find them difficult to understand.

White Papers

White papers are authoritative documents that delve into complex issues. In business and technology, they are often used to convey expertise and thought leadership on specific topics.

In industries where expertise and innovation are crucial, such as technology or finance, translated white papers establish credibility and authority on an international scale.

Things to take note when translating product documentation projects

Product documentation is one of the main communication channels between a product and its consumer.

Make sure to communicate as much details as possible prior to and during the translation process. This is especially so if you have a strong branding to pursue! It would be upsetting to let that get lost in translation. Remember that choosing the right localization can help your brand build trust.

Legal Documents

Legal documents are an important building block of a business. Moreover, some legal documents can be an important internal reference and guide.

Let’s look into what kind of legal documents can be found in a company that might need translation services.

Memorandum of Understanding

A Memorandum of Understanding is a formal document outlining the terms and understanding between two or more parties. An MOU serves as a precursor to formal agreements, establishing the framework for cooperation or collaboration.

Contracts and Agreements

Contracts and agreements are legally binding documents stipulating the terms, conditions, and obligations agreed upon by involved parties. They provide a clear framework for business relationships.

These documents also detail responsibilities, timelines, and consequences for breach of terms. Unwanted circumstances and further legal consequences might occur if there is any miscommunication in the translation process.

Regulatory Compliance Documents

Regulatory compliance documents outline adherence to laws, standards, and regulations governing a particular industry or activity. These documents ensure that businesses operate within legal frameworks, covering areas such as data protection, environmental standards, and industry-specific regulations.

What to look for in handling these projects

Legal documents contain terms and jargons that must strictly be translated while retaining the original meaning. Any mistakes can be critical.

For these type of documents, you may want to consider having your translation done in LSPs that specialize in legal documents. You can ask your translated documents to be notarized or certified, depending on your need.

Wrapping up…

Business translation involves documents that serve a clear purpose, which is to communicate with a certain group of people.

Attention to industry-specific jargon and cultural nuances can make or break the business communication.

For this, it’s crucial to have skilled and experienced translators or translation services with your team to ensure that your business documents resonate with your target audience in the desired language.

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Flitto Localization

A leader in real-time AI interpretation and AI/ML data solutions