Write for flo/w

Submission guidelines for writers

Richard Lewis


No tie no admission

I started flo/w to publish pieces of my own that I didn’t feel would fit the editorial guidelines of other publications that I liked. But I think it would be more interesting to build something with a wide range of voices.

For this reason I decided to open it up and see if I can attract other writers to the masthead. I’d like flo/w to be the place for committed writers examining the inner life in a chaotic world.

I would like to read and publish personal stories of shining sensory and emotional experience, of precious fragments, tears and memory. I want to feel and sense what it is like to live life as you and I want to explore and above all normalise the life lived by those who feel and sense things very keenly.

I do want to publish memoirs, memory-fragments, personal essays, rumination. Stories can be humorous or serious, joyful or sad. But I do not want to publish self-help, explainers, clickbait, listicles or narc-ticles.

For example, an article explaining the diagnostic criteria for autism would be rejected. But an article by an autistic writer describing how she experienced a certain type of feeling would be very welcome.

What incentive do you have to publish in flo/w? None, other than the joy of creating something that did not exist before and the mission of helping others to understand what it is like to be alive and human and you.

Become a fl/ow writer

  1. Follow flo/w
  2. Leave a comment here asking to be added as a writer
  3. Submit your draft articles up to 1,000 words
  4. Please include a title and a kicker
  5. Please do not include an image, I will source this

