Introducing the Agency Founders series

Interviews with independent + successful agency founders.

Glenn Rogers


We’re excited to launch a new series this month at Float called Agency Founders.

Agency Founders looks at the stories behind the creators of independent and successful ad agencies and creative studios across the globe. We explore how they got their start, dive into the trials and tribulations of winning new business and putting together the right team, and find out what motivates them and drives them to be the successes they are.

From my earliest days as a new grad pitching at the doors of Clemenger BBDO, to managing accounts for Razorfish New York and running a small studio called Made for Humans with my friends, much of my 18-year career has been in advertising. It’s where the idea for Float was born.

I’ve learnt first-hand that growing an agency is incredibly tough work. Since we launched Float, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some of the great minds behind these agencies, and their stories have always fascinated me. These are people who are driven by their work and determined to deliver great outcomes for their clients. They possess both incredible creativity and a keen business acumen — essential elements behind their success. Hearing these agencies tell their stories has been incredibly insightful and enjoyable for me, and I hope it will be for you as well.

We kick things off with Dave from The Royals — one of the smartest strategic minds I’ve ever met, Damon and Adam from Studio Thick — who from day one have donated 5% of their revenue to charity (and ask all their clients to match!), and Anton & Irene — two world-class designers and .NET New Agency of the Year winners.

Whether you work for a large agency but aspire to venture out on your own, are a freelancer looking to expand your horizons, or you’re out there running an agency of your own already, I hope you’ll find plenty of insights in this series that inspire you to take chances and do great work. Enjoy!

Run an independent & successful agency of your own? We’d love to share your story with our audience. Contact us at



Glenn Rogers
Editor for

CEO of @float. Building the best resource scheduling app on the planet.