Introducing India’s first neobusiness platform

The digital foundation for the next billion dreams

Rahul Raj
FloBiz Blog
4 min readFeb 17, 2020


Benjamin Disraeli, the 19th century British statesman who twice served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said “There can be economy only where there is efficiency.” Last summer, we began working on a captivating project that quickly evolved from a simple idea into a grand vision:

Accelerate the growth of every small business in India

Small businesses power nearly one half of the $3 trillion Indian economy. To realise our vision of accelerating their growth, we started to look for the most fundamental problems of these enterprises and devise intuitive, technology-enabled solutions. We firmly believe that infusion of technology into business operations is inevitable and significantly adds to efficiency. That’s where we identified a mission that we could confidently align with:

Disrupt the way Indian MSMEs do business through digitisation

We’re immensely proud today to introduce FloBiz — India’s first neobusiness platform for small businesses.

Supercharged MSMEs

India is undergoing an incredible wave of formalisation as our economy continues to make steady progress. For the first time in our country’s history, we’re witnessing a rapid evolution of the small business segment. With the establishment of foundational railroads like cheap smartphones & data, UIDAI, IMPS & UPI and consolidated GST regime in the last few years, MSMEs today are unusually open to adopting technology into their operations. Recognising this substantial demand and understanding their unique set of challenges, we’ve built a powerful horizontal business software suite to supercharge these ambitious small businesses; and we’re calling it a neobusiness platform — defining the new way of doing business.

FloBiz offers meticulously designed and developed mobile-first solutions that enable small business owners to manage their operations from their smartphones, reduce the time and money spent in decision making, and avail of well-curated valued added services on the back of the immensely rich data generated by their regular business activity. Our neobusiness platform instils a data-driven growth mindset in the entrepreneur and helps create coherence & context across different disconnected pieces: accounting, invoicing, inventory management, banking & payments, budgeting & planning, forecasting and more.

FloBiz Products

The MSME segment lies on a continuous spectrum of scale and maturity, which creates specific requirements for different categories of small businesses. These enterprises face issues ranging from inability to properly maintain accounts, long credit cycles, working capital crunches

Within the FloBiz ecosystem, we’ve built two mobile applications: FloBooks and FloProfit. Both products have been carefully designed for distinctive audiences to serve them the best way possible.

FloBooks is a simple and secure mobile app that allows small business owners to create invoices, manage outstanding and monitor their stock on mobile. The app also presents a free-to-use and independent point-of-sale (POS) system for small retailers which helps in implicit accounting and inventory management in the backdrop of a straightforward checkout/ sale process which can easily be handled directly via the smartphone.

FloProfit plugs into various data streams crucial for small businesses but difficult to manage simultaneously (for example, accounting, banking, GST, custom ERP etc.) to display a holistic, real-time snapshot of the business on mobile. Intelligence drawn directly from these sources, like books of accounts and bank account statements, enables the entrepreneur to take better decisions in shorter time, resulting in direct revenue growth for the business.

A prosperous future

So far we’ve helped over 50,000 small businesses across 750 towns in India digitise their operations and experience visible growth fuelled by FloBiz’s neobusiness ecosystem. The road ahead looks even more exciting as we continue to dive deeper into MSME challenges and innovate on building simple yet powerful tools to accelerate the development of a technologically-savvy pool of small business owners.

India is home to over 70 million MSMEs, so we’ve barely scratched the surface. We get inspired by the remarkable stories of ambitious entrepreneurs within Bharat, which keeps us motivated to push the boundary further and farther in our pursuit to deliver true value to as many businesses as possible — those who practically form the backbone of our economy. We know there’s a long way to go.

In the next few months, we’ll release a bunch of features and add more capabilities to our currently live products. Along side these major improvements, we’ll build more applications and tools for the MSME segment. We’re also actively collaborating with like-minded people, companies and institutions to bring a horde of well-curated services in our bid to become a 360-degree small business enabler.

India is well-poised to become a global economic superpower. In our pursuit to drive technology and digital financial inclusion in small businesses, we are building FloBiz — the country’s first neobusiness platform. Join us in this mission by leaving a comment below or dropping in a line at!



Rahul Raj
FloBiz Blog

Founder & CEO, FloBiz | Building for Growth, Building for Bharat