Medici Land Governance to be Showcased at The Land and Poverty Conference with The World Bank

FLO Blockchain
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2019


Next week from the 25th — 29th of March, The 2019 Land and Poverty Conference will take place in Washington D.C., where Chris Chrysostom of Medici Land Governance (MLG) will be showcasing the progress that MLG has made in land title registry on the Open Index Protocol. Now titling property in places that include Zambia, Rwanda, Mexico, and Wyoming, Medici Land Governance is using blockchain and other technologies to build next-generation land administration systems in the developing world.

Hosted by The World Bank, The Land and Poverty Conference presents the latest research and innovations in policies and good practice on land governance. This conference has become one of the largest international events on this issue, attracting over 1,500 participants from governments, academics, civil society, and the private sector.

“I’m excited to show the conference how any government or organization can build their own blockchain property register using the open technologies Open Index Protocol and FLO Blockchain,” said Chrysostom, who is a senior software developer at Medici Land Governance. “This is a great opportunity to promote our work with the World Bank securing land rights in developing countries.”

Themes of this year’s conference will include:

  1. Economic research and impact evaluation
  2. Land policy and political economy
  3. Land markets and structural transformation
  4. Land and human rights, gender, indigenous peoples
  5. Commons and natural resource management
  6. Large scale land acquisition: Agriculture, extractives, infrastructure
  7. Urban expansion, land use, land value capture, and housing
  8. Use of remote sensing and land use policy
  9. Data integration & interoperability for public service provision
  10. Institutional innovation and private sector participation,
  11. New ways of land data capture & analysis (incl. machine learning)
  12. Global frameworks; indicators; progress monitoring, LGAF

About Medici Land Governance

Medici Land Governance is a portfolio company of Medici Ventures, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Since 2014, Medici Ventures has been investing in and building a portfolio of companies that plan to decentralize the internet, disintermediate finance, and dynamically change the world by advancing blockchain technology.

About the Open Index Protocol

Built upon the FLO blockchain, the Open Index Protocol (OIP) is a specification for decentralized publishing, distribution and payments of any digital media. OIP uses the FLO blockchain for the meta-data index and interoperable transport protocols for file storage/distribution and payments. Current implementation supports IPFS for file storage/distribution and Bitcoin, Litecoin and FLO tokens for payments.



FLO Blockchain

FLO is a worldwide public record for building decentralized applications