5 design inspiration resources for smart non-designers

Learn the nuances of design from the best in the business. #SmartToolsForYou

Kesava Mandiga
Flock Blog
4 min readFeb 7, 2018


Design maxims for non-designers. Credit: KaboomPics

For a non-designer like me, designing creatives — for any purpose — is a tall order. While tools like Canva and Pablo help with graphics for most occasions, I can’t help but feel “If only I knew more about design!”

Welcome to the new playground of design inspiration resources — blogs, tools, and services that teach you a lot about design without making you sit through classes. UI patterns, typography, layouts, and more — these resources will help you become a “design thinker”. End result? You’ll be a wiser non-designer that can pull off some amazing designs.

I trawled the interwebs to find the best resources for design inspiration, and here is a list of the best ones, in no particular order.

InVisionApp Blog

You’ve probably used InVision for wireframes and prototyping. If not, try it out! More importantly, check out their blog for superb articles on UI, UX, typography, email layouts, and well, all things design.

Oh, and if you’re a fan of Stranger Things, you’ll love their article about the typography of its title sequence!


Pttrns started out as a curated list of UI patterns for iOS apps in 2011. With a list that runs into thousands, you’ll find yourself addicted to its simple layout of app screens! The ads are a little distracting, but the inspiration from those app demos? That’ll stay with you.

Little Big Details

Think you’re detail-oriented? Check out this curated collection of the finer details of design to see how the biggest and the best in business do it. You’ll be surprised by some of the tiny design nuances in products you use everyday! These folks share something interesting every single day, so you’ll never be starved for inspiration.


A little bit of everything seems to be Muzli’s unofficial tagline. An extension for Google Chrome and Safari, Muzli serves up curated design inspiration from all over the internet — on every new tab. They claim to be designers’ secret source and they aren’t far off. Their feed is so pixel-perfect, I get distracted!


This one has been around for years! Find stories at the intersection of business and design across industries. Co.Design hosts tons of designer interviews to tickle your curiosity, and there is a lot to seek inspiration from, including a few articles on ‘what not to do’ when designing your next product.

Check out these resources for little bits of inspiration that will make the colors in your creations pop out of the frame. Know of any interesting resources or tools that we haven’t covered? Let us know in the comments below.

Be inspired, create stunning designs for your projects and get your team on Flock so you can share, communicate, and collaborate — faster.



Kesava Mandiga
Flock Blog

Forever a reader, sometimes a writer. I think I like hugs.