Fridays at the headquarters

Jagrity Sharma
Flock Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2016

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” said Steve Jobs, Founder and CEO of Apple technologies. And he couldn’t be more right!

Team Flock at TGIF sessions

While most of us have that covered, let’s not underplay the importance of the workplace environment. And we at Flock, believe it when we say it.

We’re always excited to make something new and interesting. With all the exhilaration put together, here’s a sneak peek at the mad party at the headquarters.

  • Games and a lot more- All work and no play, gives us a dull day. And we at Flock, just can’t wrap our heads around monotony. The team takes leisure time and breaks very seriously. Employees playing on XBox and Foosball are a common sight in office.
Foosball at work
  • Bringing the change in with music- With a huge common area to our disposal, we make the best use of our space. Every week we gather an engaging jamming session with a cajon, guitars, a keyboard and melodicas. Some (live) soulful music is all we need to keep our spirits high at work.
Jam sessions
  • TGIF- Our ‘Thank God it’s Friday’ sessions are way more interesting than those average sync up meetings. Every Friday, the team provides an update of all that matters and upcoming news. Oh not to forget, all this, with coke, beers and breezers on the house! *wink*
  • Rest easy- The Flock headquarters is ‘not’ mainstream, in more ways than one. Sitting arrangements included! The team can have office chairs or comfortable bean bags at their disposal, to get their grey cells churning. P.S. We don’t even mind the floor :)
X-Box and a lot more
  • Cross functional tasks made easy- At Flock, it’s not about working as a team; it’s always about working as a family. Hence, cross functional division of tasks is the norm and we work seamlessly around it. Be it design, development, marketing, sales or public relations, the entire team strives to make Flock, a better product in all aspects.

Here’s signing off to attend our TGIF (and in a rush to grab my chilled can of beer!)

-Authored by Jagrity Sharma, professional word stringer, occasional brain picker, eternal wanderer.



Jagrity Sharma
Flock Blog

Content Aficionado, Tea Connoisseur, Marketing Freak, Music Lover, Passionate Scorpion, In Love with Life!