Want to encourage freedom of speech at your workplace? Keep reading…

Jagrity Sharma
Flock Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2017
It feels great to be heard. Doesn’t it?

Our work culture has evolved considerably over the past couple of years. Fancy designations and closed cabins have given way to flat hierarchies and a transparent work culture.

But for me, the most important thing is freedom of speech. Nothing beats the feeling of being able to say what’s on my mind and discuss ideas openly.

Wondering how to foster open communication among members of your team? Here’s what I have learnt over the years:

Get everyone together

Conducting town halls or sync up meetings is a time tested way of getting your team together. When you ask people to get together and brainstorm, you make them feel valued. Not only does ‘group work’ bring creative solutions to the table, but it also gives you an insight into each person’s thought process and their caliber. You might discover people who seldom speak, but have great ideas just waiting to burst out.

Make it official

Listening to your team is always a good idea. And an easy way to do this via an official channel is to hold quarterly review meetings. Such meetings are a proven way to know what your teammates think about their jobs, what makes them happy at work, and any challenges along the way.

Go digital

Not everyone can be in the same office or city. That’s why it’s important to invest in technology that brings your team closer. Nifty apps like Flock, a team messenger, come packed with features that help diverse teams collaborate on a single platform. You can get onto video calls instantly and share ideas via Flock’s rich Google Drive integration. By deploying team messengers and other productivity tools, you can brainstorm and work on multiple projects with your team seamlessly.

Don’t shy away from small talk

While most people associate water cooler discussions with grapevine and rumors, they can also be a good way to break the ice at work. And if your teammates are comfortable confiding in you, they’re more likely to trust your decisions at work too. So, the next time you run into a colleague at the coffee machine, don’t forget to ask how their day was.

Be approachable

Ultimately, it all boils down to being a good listener. Research shows that almost 50% of employees believe that speaking to their managers and being thanked by them not only improves their relationship, but also helps them build trust.

Sometimes, the best way to ensure that your teammates are honest with you is to speak to them as friends. Odds are they will be comfortable discussing even the most complex issues with you.

I’m sure there are so many other ways to encourage your teammates to express themselves openly. If you’d like to share what has worked for you, let me know in the comments below.

Signing off to grab a cuppa coffee and have a quick chat with my BFF at work. Cheers!

-Authored by Jagrity Sharma, extrovert by nature and writer at Flock by profession



Jagrity Sharma
Flock Blog

Content Aficionado, Tea Connoisseur, Marketing Freak, Music Lover, Passionate Scorpion, In Love with Life!