How To Make Your IG Account Aesthetically Pleasing By Answering The Following Questions

Flock Social
Flock Social
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2019

Do you ever come across these really ‘’fresh and new’’ looking IG accounts that just make you want to stalk all of their photographs since they began using the app? Well, us too. This is a very common thing in the IG community and people take their overall feed aesthetic very seriously. However, we must ask this question, will an aesthetically pleasing feed contribute to any sort of IG fame or success? Short answer - yes.

Now, this isn’t just about the physical pattern that you’ll display to your audience, pretty colors and amazing vacations just won’t make the cut. People want to see a full picture of who you are and what you’re aspiring to be. Imagine if a movie just had a bunch of really pretty scenes and landscape shots, with pleasing color schemes and faces. Sure, that’s mesmerising to look at, but you paid a ticket to enjoy the story, along with the beauty the film may offer. So, your story and personality need to stand behind this beautified image you put for the whole IG platform to see.

Well then, who are you?

I get it, not a lot of people can give a profound answer and that’s okay. That is why we came up with these following questions that will help you get to the bottom of this old philosophical one…which has apparently been reflecting on Instagram as well. So, without any further ado…

1. What is your favourite movie and/or film director?

Film directors have been around for much longer than IG has and looking at the world through their creations may just inspire you to come up with a visual style of your own. Remember when Wes Anderson made the movie ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ back in 2014, when every scene in the movie featured a specific color scheme, but at the same time, every scheme came together just perfectly somehow? Think of specific posts as individual scenes, and your entire feed as the whole movie.

2. What is your favorite book and/or song?

People who have a way with words a.k.a. musicians and writers, also have a great way of making us relate to a lot of the content they produce. Every good song, book, article, play etc, has it’s own style or ‘mood’ if you will. And this is exactly what you should put out there through the captions you write.

3. What type of landscape describes you the best?

Now we know that you’ve already posted all of your pics from the sunny Bora Bora, however, that’s not really what we’re looking for here. One place deserves to be given that “home” vibe. Your IG home, that is. So, which one will it be?

a) The Forest — Dark, gloomy, out-of-this-world-beautiful, mysterious and occasionally foggy, which would indicate that you have been using the ‘fade’ feature on IG way too much. If you’re going for that deep green, dark wood, ‘I own a log cabin and a fox in Alaska’ type of vibe, then this just might be your pick.

b) The Beach — We all have that one very outgoing friend whose IG account screams, ‘I spend most of my time on the beach. And, yeah, I live in Cali’. Well, if you want to be that girl, (and we’re talking a lot of bright blues and sunny Santa Monica stories, fairy lights and polaroid pic moments), this should be your lane.

c) The Desert — No one would really want to be stuck in the middle of an endless nothingness, however, that one-colored beige theme (as the desert itself), along with a pop of life (an occasional cactus or oasis) would make an amazing thematic pattern for an IG theme. This one is for the more minimalistic loving folks, who do most of their shopping in Ikea.

d) The City — This one’s for our independent young adults, aspiring artists and coffee addicts. Our ‘Friends’ obsessed souls who just moved to NYC and are taking Literature classes at NYU. While that may seem a bit too specific, it’s not at all far fetched at all. This one screams messy rooms filled with fake plants and half-finished paintings. Most of their photographs are either made in their ‘creatively chaotic’ rooms or on the lively Manhattan streets.

4. What is your favourite TV show?

You may ask yourself why is this part of the perfect aesthetic IG journey important? Well, let me tell you. TV shows have been engaging with their audiences for decades. Way before your average Joe was using the internet, he was patiently waiting for his favorite show to air, having to watch only one episode per week. So, why is this important again? Every show has it's specific, or ‘targeted’, audience if you will. Stranger Things had connected to a world of teens through teenage drama and emotions, but let’s not kid ourselves, the awesome Sci-Fi aspect helped a lot. Shows like ‘Sex and The City’ made every woman feel empowered and inspired by a real-life Samantha Jones. So, never stop being creative with who you are. Be the cool sci-fi effects from ST or the oh-so-ever charming Samantha Jones to your audience. Be yourself. Well, yourself…all wrapped around an amazing feed that represents all your colors, no matter the photograph.

In conclusion, there is no specific step-by-step tutorial on how to make your account original or aesthetically perfect. It all starts with you. Your story and ideas are in the center of your brand and may your colorful feed be the window to yout profile’s soul.



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