How I Got Here (Part VI)

Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2019

By Wade G. Morgan

A series from Wade’s LinkedIn campaign, #HowIGotThere, to share tips centered on principles he believes has helped him advance in his career. His hope is that someone else finds them valuable, or knows someone to share them with. He recognizes that not all of these tips will apply to all people, and some may feel uncomfortable. That said, these are all tactics he’s employed at various times throughout his career.

Principle: Practice excellence Part II

Tactic: Review your best & worst work

Reason: Take advantage of your best learning opportunities. Every presentation or call is not going to go to plan. That’s ok, you’re human. When it happens, don’t just flush it without internalizing why it happened. Rather, analyze the variables that led to the situation and understand which ones were in & out of your control.

On the other hand, when you kill it, don’t just pat yourself on the back. Review the tape. Re-read the email. Go back over the call in your head and with your manager. Request feedback about what made that interaction so pleasant. Habitualize those actions while remaining agile and open to iterating on them.

Consistency is a prerequisite for excellence. Anyone can get lucky. Challenge yourself to learn when it feels like you don’t need to (your best moments) or don’t want to (your worst moments).


Wade G. Morgan is a writer, speaker, Account Executive at Airtable, and former member of LinkedIn’s Business Leadership Program, a rotational program for early-in-career talent. He is passionate about leadership, athletics, entrepreneurship, and tech, and loves helping people and organizations reach their potential.

For more info, check out his LinkedIn profile, previous articles, follow him on Twitter at @wadegmorgan, or visit his website,

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