6 Practical Tips To Design Better FinTech Apps For Indonesia

Ritika Bhagya
Published in
8 min readSep 18, 2019

The rise of FinTech startups in Indonesia

The booming economy in Indonesia has paved a clear path to leverage FinTech startups. With that, FinTech in Indonesia has become one of the most promising industries.

  • With easy access to technology, smartphones, and cheaper data plans, consumers are able to access internet services at any time and anywhere.
  • This gives rise to mobile penetration which is continuously increasing in the growing middle class of Indonesia.
  • Services like GoPay, Ovo, Dana, and LinkAja, leverage this by making it easy for customers to do online transactions, increasing the number of cashless payments.
  • Most of these FinTech startups are also lowering their fees in order to reach a bigger user base.
  • Along with that, government institutions are enabling and supporting technology companies; which is quickly making users switch to online systems rather than offline ones.

All of this combined has given rise to the number of FinTech companies in various sectors like payments, lending, investments, credit scoring and more.

In the last 3 years, Flolab has worked with 6 such FinTech startups, and there are a few things that we’ve picked up along the way while designing the ‘tech’ in the FinTech industry.

When designing a FinTech product, the one thing to keep in mind is: how is your product going to help the user compared to a similar offline service? Primarily, you want to make your product really simple and easy to use. If the user has to work harder to understand really complex financial information, they’re probably better off going to an agent to do the work for them. Here’s how you can go about designing a FinTech app that’s user-friendly:

1. Educating the User

Even though lending, financial planning, investments, budgeting have been around even before technology companies came into the picture, a lot of people in Indonesia, especially millennials (a primary target user group for a lot of startups) are just about getting familiar with the idea of managing their finances. Therefore, it becomes important to teach a few basics of financial planning, investment, lending, etc. and how these FinTech products work.

Teach the users how to use the app/website: There are some users for whom these apps are probably the first touchpoint on their first brand new smartphone. Such users need to be educated on how to simply navigate around the product.

Left: Ayopop uses contextual coachmarks to show where the user can quickly find their favorite category selected during the registration process. Right: Tanamduit uses coachmarks on the product detail page to educate the user on technical terms used throughout the app.

Simplify complex information: Most FinTech products have some really complex data. It becomes important to simplify this information in order for a layman to make sense out of it.

Tanamduit shows a detailed timeline of investing in government bonds so the user can prepare to invest accordingly.

How will the user benefit with your app: Let the user know how your app is going to help them manage their finances, let your value proposition be available easily on your product.

Tanamduit shows how the user can benefit with Mutual Funds (their core product offering) on the landing page using a simple visual that advises users to start investing early.
Tanamduit also compares how mutual funds give users more benefits compared to the common saving methods like a Savings bank account and Time/Fixed Deposits

Explain industry jargon: Finance products always come with a lot of terminologies that are mostly understood by financial institutions and people who work in the finance industry day-to-day. For FinTech products that are built for the masses, however, it’s important to use terms that a layman could understand or learn. If you must use a term that’s a bit more technical, it’s always good to assume the user doesn’t know what it means and have an explanation for it.

Left: In FUNDtastic, the “compound rate” is explained using comparisons to “simple rate” using a chart and a graph. Right: Omah Dana uses simple terms for core functions of the app, while still explaining briefly what each term means.

2. Set Goals for the user

Transactional products aren’t enough, maximize on the user’s end-to-end experience: Financial goals help the user have a clear endpoint for a task they’re set out to achieve using your product. It could be a savings plan if it’s an investment product, or a budget planning feature if it’s an expense driven app. Offer features that will give the user a feeling of accomplishment.

Left: FUNDtastic uses financial goals like Home, Travel, Pilgrimage, etc. to encourage users to save for these goals. Right: Ayopop uses an Expense tracker to show the user their monthly budget spent on utility bills.

3. Visual design

Choose colors that help build trust & security: When you’re dealing with a user’s finances, you need to be able to get the user to trust your product and feel secure while doing any transactions. Using colors like blue and green, which are usually associated with financial institutions, help give users a sense of familiarity and security within your platform. Limit the use of too many colors in one place, gradients or anything too loud, as that would make the platform look a bit too playful.

Have user-friendly visuals: Balance the product with delightful UI elements, so that the tone of the product is more ‘friendly’ rather than ‘intimidating’ because of all the overwhelming financial content. Using icons and illustrations that aren’t too loud, but instead blend easily with the rest of the UI, would keep the content of the product in focus.

Style guides created for FUNDtastic and Omahdana

Use fonts that work well with numbers: Finance products use a lot of numbers, you want to make sure that these numbers look as good the alphabets. Choose a font that also makes currency symbols and special characters available as well.

FUNDtastic and Omahdana both use fonts that work well with large strings of numbers as well as various font sizes.

4. Making complex information, simple

Understand the services you’re providing to the user: Have a clear and fair understanding of each features you design for. You can only simplify something once you have deep knowledge of it yourself.

Put yourself in the user’s shoes: Be a user of the service yourself and notice how easy or difficult it is to grasp a piece of information — then simplify it so that it’s easily understandable for most users.

Tanamduit makes it easy for the user to understand the kind of risk profile category they belong to by using visuals and copy that users can relate to.

Show proof before the user puts their money down: Let the user clearly see the benefit of your service before they have actually spent their money.

Left: FUNDtastic shows a simulator of how much interest a user can earn in a certain period of time, based on historical interest rates. Right: Ayopop shows the user how much they can save and the amount of cashback they would receive on each transaction if they purchase Ayopop’s subscription plan.

Make it low cost and as easy as possible for the user to make their first transaction: Let the user know that they don’t need to make big leaps just because they’re dealing with ‘finances’. Allow the user to take baby steps so that they can give your product a try. The user would come back as soon as they see how easy it was for them to make that first transaction.

Ayopop offers cheap low denomination products that make the barrier to entry extremely low for a user to make their first transaction on the platform.

5. Capturing excessive amounts of data

Break down the data you need from the user: FinTech apps in Indonesia usually need a lot of data from the user under the KYC (Know Your Customer) feature. Breaking this down in bite-sized pieces would make it easier for the user to provide you with that information as opposed to a long form that the user needs to fill in all at once.

Letting the user know earlier in the process about the documents that would be required also helps speed up the process for the user by giving them a heads up before they actually dive into the form.

Left: In FUNDtastic, the user is shown this list of documents that they would need to submit before starting the eKYC process. This helps them prepare the documents before diving into the process. Right: Omahdana does something similar before showing a form where the user needs to input details about their business.
Cekaja uses a wizard to capture large chunks of information by focusing the user on one input at a time; while also giving clarity on how far along the user is in the process.

Don’t make the user enter information repeatedly: If a user is already logged into your product, it’s easy to store the information the user provides. If the user has already provided a set of information once, avoid asking for it again, it will save a lot of time for the user and allow him to skip additional steps in the process. If absolutely necessary, show the user the info you’ve already captured and simply ask them to confirm it.

Left: In Ayopop, the user doesn’t need to enter a phone number repeatedly for every transaction, on the first successful transaction, the number gets saved and shows up as a chip the next time below the input field. Right: Once the user submits their ID, the ID number and name shows up by scanning the ID card, so the user doesn’t need to input the same info manually again.

6. Transparency

Keep the user informed with updates post-purchase: After a user has already completed a transaction, notify the user about the status so it’s easy for them to track. Allow the user to track the growth or the status of the financial product they have purchased within your platform if that’s possible.

Left: Omahdana shows transaction status post-purchase. Right: Cekaja shows application status after the user has completed the application process.

Historical data should be easy to access: When dealing with finances, a user should get a monthly or yearly summary of where they have spent, the status of the product, the growth as well as the current value of the product.

Ayopop shows all the historical transactions under Transaction History, while also giving the user the ability to download monthly invoices.

Hidden costs should be shown upfront: Admin fees, convenience fees, bank charges, and any other such costs should be shown while the user is making the purchase decision, not only on the payment confirmation page (which usually leads to drop-offs)

On their payment selection page, Ayopop shows additional admin fees applied by each payment method before the user chooses their preferred payment method.

Important terms and conditions should be visible upfront: Adding disclaimers before the user takes the decision to purchase makes the user aware of all the terms and conditions of purchasing. Rather than hiding the info and having the users call customer support with complaints post-purchase and leaving bad reviews for the product, you would prefer to show all the necessary disclaimers up front.

Ayopop shows a disclaimer related to 3rd party dependencies to the user before they make a transaction.


  • Put your customers/users first and put yourself in their shoes.
  • Speak the language of the user.
  • Design products are delightful and interactive but also seamless in functionality.
  • Ask for little, give a lot.
  • Keep it simple.

All apps/features mentioned in the article have been designed by Flolab:

Ayopop | AndroidiOSWeb
Ayopop helps Indonesians pay & manage their finances efficiently & smartly.

Cekaja | Web
Cekaja is a comprehensive financial and insurance comparison portal in Indonesia with hundreds of credit card, deposit and KTA products from dozens of banks.

FUNDtastic | AndroidiOSWeb
FUNDtastic is an investment platform with products like Mutual Funds and Gold.

Omahdana | Web
In Omahdana, users can invest in businesses, or start fundraising for their venture. (Coming Soon)

Tanamduit | AndroidiOSWeb
Tanamduit is a digital platform that comprehensively helps customers in financial planning, financial plan execution, and monitoring investment outcomes.

If you’re looking to build a FinTech app, or just want to talk about design, reach out to have a chat.

Flolab is a Product & UX design studio based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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