5 exhibitors that excited us at Flood Expo 2019

Joe Patton
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2019

Flood Expo 2019 has been and gone. Over 5,000 people attended across the two days to see businesses exhibit the latest solutions in flood prediction, mitigation, resilience, management and rescue. We had a great time talking about FloodFlash to visitors and exploring areas for collaboration with other industry leaders. There was plenty to get excited about, so we thought we’d share the 5 companies that stood out most to us at the show.

Ark — National Flood Resilience Centre

The Humber river valley is one of the most vulnerable areas in the UK when it comes to flooding. With this in mind, Humberside Fire and Rescue and the University of Hull have joined forces to found Ark — National Flood Resilience Centre. The first facility of its kind anywhere in the world, Ark’s mission is to make the UK a world leader in flood resilience research and response. Its state of the art facilities enable agencies and first responders to train for various flooding scenarios, improving collaboration and response time. The Ark is a great example of how we will be able to prepare better.

A CGI representation of the Ark upon completion

Living with Water

Staying in the Humber region, the next project that excited us is Hull and East Riding’s Living with Water partnership. A partnership between the Environment Agency, Hull City Council, the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Yorkshire Water, the programme aims to deliver visionary solutions that build thriving flood resilient communities. It has already had a great deal of success. Their Living with Water lessons have educated hundreds of school children. This work amongst many other projects contributed to them winning the International Excellence in Collaboration at the British Quality Foundation Awards 2019.


The ability to predict the impact of a flood at street level in real time has the potential to save lives and livelihoods. Using their FloodMap Live software, Previsico provide round the clock flood prediction at street level resolution. Real time analytics and impact modelling allow for immediate planning and response to flood risk. This has a wide ranging set of implications to help homeowners and businesses reduce the costs of flooding in the days and hours before the event even happens.

Kiacrete by Permia

At FloodFlash, we believe that as well as closing the protection gap, improving flood resilience is key to preparing people for flood events. Permia specialise in permeable pavements that they call Kiacrete. Kiacrete offers high drainage, superior strength and improved resistance to clogging. It is ten times more permeable than traditional permeable pavement solutions. This is particularly interesting given the causes of flooding are only partly environmental. Reducing the human factors that lead to flooding (such as overpaving) could have a wide impact on community resilience across Britain.

Kiacrete (right) is more permeable and resistant to clogging than conventional systems (left)


Not to sing our own praises to loudly! FloodFlash is a new type of event-based insurance that removes the uncertainty, cost and time of traditional insurance. This allows us to offer businesses and landlords affordable quotes where traditional insurers can’t. We agree a trigger depth and payout amount with the client, then install a mobile-connected sensor at their property.. When the sensor detects a flood event that reaches the agreed trigger depth, customers receive the full settlement amount within days. Our mission is to make sure no business fails due to flooding.

Our co-founder Ian Bartholomew in full flow during his talk at the Expo

And that’s it. There were many more exciting companies at the Expo that we’d love to cover. If you spotted anything that caught your eye, let us know in the comments. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you next year!

