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Consequenz II

Further Adventures of a Die Guy

Floris Koot
Floris’ Playground
19 min readJun 21, 2021


These are the adventures of a nameless figure with no future. He lives to die in meaningless and violent way for your movie entertainment. Discover the life and adventures of a very special die-guy.

2. The Eat

— -The Eat — -



Carl, still a bit dressed up in city grey, leaves the Greyhound bus with some other passengers behind him. At the last step he looks around, like he expects to see someone. He looks a bit classic, yet his muscles bulk in all the right places. When he doesn’t see anyone he knows, he descends onwards. He walks to the side of the bus, which flips open. He takes out a sturdy backpack. When he’s bend over he hears a girls voice and looks up. His face turns into pleasure.

Jessica, a slim young town girl, walks a bit shyly closer. She’s all dressed up in summer clothes. Her long hair messy, but very washed. She stands in front of a diagonally parked pickup.

Carl takes his backpack, heaves it across one shoulder, and walks into her embrace. They embrace first shyly, then more warmly. They are in stark contrast with each others looks and their love shines amidst the normalcy of the world around them.

Behind their embrace, another passenger, a young male in kind of mafia black, small scar on his face, takes two suitcases from the storage space. He picks them up and walks in the direction of the motel. The camera follows the suitcases.

Fade out.

So. One long bus ride later I’m in a cheap motel. You know the kind of a friendly road movie place. No eerie music, so no horror death for me early in the night, just to show everyone how evil the maniacal creep is, who’s the monster in the movie. Yes, I learned from watchin’ all the movies me family died in. You learn to see and listen like a scout in the woods, but then you listen for the sounds and shots of the moment. What scene am I in? What does the soundtrack predict?

It’s the open suitcases scene. First suitcase. I open it. Nothin’. Girls clothes. Very sexy. I tell you. I get angry and throw it all around. Really a scene to show how stupid and aggressive I am. Like I wanted it to be money. Yet here’s to nothin’. What the fuck was that doin’ at my uncle's place? Of course. It belongs to his mistress. The one he himself shot at breakfast because she wasn’t a virgin or somethin’. That was what he was after, a virgin for a demonic ritual to rule the world. But the girl wasn’t a virgin and thus useless. So he kills her. One more proof that the hero has all the right to kill me uncle B. and all his guards because he’s evil and sick. Just like that. Boombadaboom.

I hear music risin’. Fuck. This is a scene I’m in. It’s not nice music. Somethin’s off here. Do I open the case or not? Whatever is in the case, it’s bad. Not bad like drugs or heaps of mafia money. Bad like horror flic. Then the leather of the suitcase ripples a tiny bit. Fuck. Sorry for that, but I’ve got to bad mouth a lot. Makes me part of bein’ with the wrong guys. I’m a non-person. I’m to die horribly for your pleasure. If I ever get to speak, it should piss you off a bit. So you accept my violent death as normal. As normal. Well, fuck you.

I take up the suitcase and put it five doors further down in the motel. I go back and lock me room. I check all the women’s clothes again, nice panties, and nick some jewelry. And I take somethin’ I might dress up with. Me changin’ into a girl. Gives me two options. Comedy or sick maniac movie. If I can get into comedy I’ll be good. Nobody dies in comedy, especially romantic comedy. Crooks may even turn out to be nice guys. Like in, really nice guys. Sendin’ flowers and stuff to the lovin’ couple.

Then the screamin’ starts. Shit. Road movie turned horror flic. I hope it’s not one of them dark motel flics. Then all guests get to die, except the hero. No way that would be me. So I dial the police. Wadoyouknow. The phone works. The coppers soon arrive and block the road. Then they surround the room with the suitcase. It turns nasty fast. First sounds. Breaking windows. Wall is being broken down. Then a dark demonic thing, you don’t get to see anythin’ clearly at all, leaves the room through the outside window or wall and the police outside shoot at it. But the bullets don’t work enough. The monster thing kills some coppers and disappears into the night. I’m clearly in a small-town horror flic. That’s a bit more hopeful. Mostly ends with several survivors enterin’ the streets while the camera zooms out. Still, when I leave early, like unnoticed, I may be out of town, before the movie is really set. Different, darker endings are still possible.

Next mornin’ clear sky. Cars pass by. I start to hitchhike. Soon a babe takes me. Lucky me. She’s a hot blonde with nice cleavage. She grins at me. Did I just enter a romantic comedy? Her lips are juicy and wet. Her forehead is sweatin’ a bit. There are even drops on her chest. Her smile is too warm. It’s all too much really. I’m still in B-movie land. Everythin’ over the top. Where will this go? Sex? She looks too over the top for a romantic comedy. Soft porn? Not in this town. And I’m still a die-guy.

Then, as we drive through town I see some of the damage the monster’s done there durin’ the night. Some houses seem ripped open from the outside. A few burn spots on the sidewalk. And then a roadblock. Fuck. Nobody is allowed to leave town. Sure. The monster must make killings. Town people can be die-guys and die-girls too. The police of course have another story. The evil must not spread. It’s like cagin’ in the chickens with a fox, for their own protection. The fox gonna have a blastin’ ball with us.

I look at the babe next to me. I see small bits of red glow in her eyes. That’s a cliché, lady. She reaches out to stroke my chin with a finger. I know when to leave the car. I run. Away from the lady and from the police. Behind me, the lady changes. She becomes this whirlin’ spidery chaos thing, with way too many teeth and arms. Same monster as yesterday, now in broad daylight. Shootin’ starts. I dive under a big truck. Fuck. Patrol truck. I turn over, get up and run on, faster, faster, turn a corner. Just in time. Big patrol explosion behind me.

In the chaos that ensues, I sneak out of town.

Not fifteen minutes later another cop car sees me. I walk on a road out of town next to a field and a very open forest. They start a chase. I run thru trees and they’re yellin’ like it’s a game. Swervin’ their car around the trees. They spin their wheels way too much. But then the overdrive makes clouds of dust. Makes it look cool. Cheap action thrills.

Me stumblin’ in the dust and runnin’ on. I see them wavin’ guns, ready to shoot and such. I dive and raise me hands up. I know the scene. I’m back in the movie. I guess now I’m the wrongly suspected hitch hiker, the one they treat badly, until it turns out the prejudiced cops have been lookin’ in the wrong direction. At the end of this movie, I’ll bet there are either lots of monsters, or the mayor or head copper has turned into one. This is them still checkin’ up the wrong dude, namely me. Back at the jail, they go cliché Red-Necked on me. Like that’s gonna help when I really would be the monster. WTF? Beatin’ a suspected guy up, when it already has been established even bullets are not enough? It is plain stupid. B-movie, sinkin’ to C-level. My luck. Splatter is one step around the corner. Fuck. Then they hit me so hard I pass out. Best luck yet.

When I come to, I’m behind bars with the local drunk. Cool. Another cliché scene. Somewhere in town, a hero character must be tryin’ to find out what really stops the monster or monsters. They always turn out to have a weak spot. Since it’s a C-movie it might even be water. Water hoses look cool. I bet it’s somethin’ that makes ‘m explode if there is budget, or shrivel all up, when it’s all cheap virtual reality effects.

The local drunk wants to talk about what he’s seen. Shit. I don’t wanna know. When he tells what’s happenin’ before the hero finds out, he always dies before the message is spread. And then I get to die with him. So I knock him out. Makes so much no sense at all, so this scene will be cut in editing. Good. I want out of the picture. Alive.

I fret behind the bars. I feel like an extra waitin’ for the next moment he might be needed. The tension of the movie must have moved to another location. Will the last coppers turn into monsters, or are a local hero and some girl he loves now the center of the action?

The next morning things turn worse. Way worse. A wall is lifted out of the jail building. There’s gonna be a major scene in the prison. They redo the set. And the actor playin’ me is send into make-up. The assistant director sets herself next to him, a nice brown-haired girl with a too ordinary face to ever become an actress. She explains his next scene. He’ll get red eyes too because he’s been infected. He was the one bringin’ the demonic suitcase into town, after all. Fuck. I’m fucked. I can see the actor likin’ it. His role just has grown. He gets more exposure. He’ll be able to point himself out in the movie to his friends, that he did some real acting. I’m not happy at all. I expect this means he’ll kill the drunk and then turn into monster and then will be killed himself. It’s my death they are agreein’ upon. And they just put it into the script. I should have stayed out of the script. Scripts doom way too many people just for pleasure. Death. Death. Death. Exiting! Death to all those declared non-characters, meaning die-guys and die-girls. Our death is decided as a strategic choice to boost sales. The more death, the more kids with acne will enjoy the movie. C-movie thinking that is. WTF? I want out.

I get two very green contact lenses in. Now in after effects, they can make my eyes easily very glowin’ red. Nasty. The makeup artist also shows the first hairy bits, and some very green bits, for the virtual editin’ that’ll be stuck on me when the transformation really starts to happen.

The jail is now an open gap. Camara’s can easily get into any angle to shoot my transformation. Parts of the wall have become a green screen, for the special effects. I try to run, but both the actor playin’ me, as the staff put me nicely back in jail. The director comes to thank me for the hittin’ scene I performed last night on the drunk. Of course. He tells me it was the first effects of me becomin’ a monster. Becomin’ unreasonably violent at times. He liked it so much he put it in and now expands on it. Shit. So much for fuckin’ up the movie. This is so bad, them keepin’ on workin’ on the script while shootin’ it. Then it’s time to roll. Time to die for me.

I’m back in prison. I feel bad and aggressive. The drunk looks at me and says. ‘You’re evil.’ Then when I turn to him, he starts screaming. Wants to get out of prison. He really pisses me off with his horrible noise. It hurts my head. So I feel this urge to kill him grow. And it’s like voices in my head say, ‘kill, kill’ kill’. Police run into the prison with guns drawn. OMG. I rip the drunks head clean off while starin’ into the frozen faces of the coppers. I have no choice but shiverin’ with anticipation. They shoot. And shoot. Bullet after bullet plunges into me as I transform into this nightmare. I see the steel bars bendin’ and long black whirrin’ spidery arms graspin’ forward. The coppers die in explosions of blood. This is a really bad movie. Then I black out. Again.

Blackin’ out is better than dyin’. I can tell you. Blackin’ out means you get to come back. With a fuckin’ headache. I open my eyes. I’m in the cell on the floor in a pool of blood. Not my blood. I look at my chest. There are impacts of bullets, yet when I breathe deeply they pop out. I look at my skin. All wounds are gone. Great. The demon must have brought me back.

I get up and climb thru the bend bars of the prison. Then I walk out of the police station. The street is empty. As I walk I notice I stagger a bit. Fuck yeah. The demons betray themselves more and more. We are not alone. Evil grin. Close up of me red eyes glowin’ in anticipation.

Except I don’t want to be like that. I can only hope for a bit more sophisticated turn of the movie. Like the hero or his girlfriend gets infected. Then we get not the kill, kill, kill ending, but there’s a remote change healin’ happens. So I’ve got to find the heroes of this flic and hope I can infect them. It’s for my own good. Yet infectin’ of course means I’m evil. What can I do? My head hurts. I swagger on.

This will to live. What the fuck is that? I’ve seen these heroes in their movies strugglin’ to stay alive way beyond anythin’ humanly possible or understandable. Whatever happens, they cling on and don’t give up. And now I recognize, I have that too. Yet I’m a monster and a die-guy. And I’m hungry.

Nobody on the street. Then an old guy comes out of an alley with a shotgun. He loads and looks at me. I grin. He aims. I back off. The monster in me doesn’t. It’s hungry. Another really cheesy scene.

3. Carl and Jessica

Five scenes later I’m in the town hall. You know the drill. Local characters watchin’ each other with suspicion. Who of us is already a monster? The sweaty yellow mayor? He’s a fat dude with glasses he keeps on cleanin’. Then there’s the librarian. Old stocky bitch who brings knowledge. She’s read a bunch of demonic books. Does it make her evil, or does she know what could save the day?

There’s a strong dude, a big black mechanic. You can tell he’s no demon. He’s already black. To prevent suspicion of racism he’s gonna turn out alright, hero-for-a-moment-guy. And then die savin’ others. Or in other words, a puppet used like me. But then perhaps even the heroes are puppets, played for unknown reasons by the director, who is bein’ played by the producers.

There’s the experienced copper who survived and one last Redneck copper who’s also prepared for the slaughter. If you have a bad character in a movie like this, you die. He growls and orders people. Asshole. He needs to die. He was one of the guys kickin’ me unconscious.

I’m the die-guy again. The stranger who might help, and, whom as we know, started the whole bad thing. My head feels sweaty too. I pretend it’s the heat. My stomach gets hungry again. Soon it needs to eat. This is gonna be the biggest scene I ever expected to have. Me gettin’ killed at the last moment by the heroes of the movie, just before they save the day. Perhaps even five full minutes of fightin’ before I go. Spectacular, no?

Two heroes left. Carl and Jessica. He’s the big city guy. He returned home to marry his sweetheart. Now he has to save her and the town if he ever wants a marriage. And she’s really hot, yet fearful. No one wants a too feisty chick in movies like this, except at the end when they know how to beat the evil. So how to get Jessica impregnated with the demonic force? That’s my question.

Outside full monsters roam. For now, they don’t attack us yet. Thru a window we see three of them rippin’ up the walls of the church. People sing in there. Then the monsters go in. Singin’ becomes screamin’. We can faintly hear it. People die in there. I don’t give a shit. It’s the noise that annoys me.

So there’s a moment when you turn full monster and don’t turn back in human shape. Bad. It’s a disease. I am a disease. I lick my lips lookin’ at the hot girl. Nice ass too. She’s still dressed in that summer dress, now ripped up a bit and one shoulder band off. A great shoulder she has and one bosom you just hope to see barer. Makes it look sexy and her not even bein’ aware of it. I hunger. Hunger. I lick my lips.

I slowly drift closer as she looks white paled to the damaged church. I bend over to kiss her neck. My sweat falls on her neck. A big drop. I see somethin’ black in the drop fizzin’ into her body. So that’s how it works. Now the hero will have to find a cure before it’s too late. He, though, has other issues. Like he doesn’t want me to suck up his girl, so he smacks me on the chin. I fall backward and look with hatred at him. Good thing he just hits and doesn’t shout. I would’ve ripped off his head.

I say ‘It’s noise. Noise attracts them.’ They all look at me. I repeat. ‘Noise attracts them.’ Then I faint. Best thing. It helps the monster in me sleep too. Or is this a poppin’ phase, like a butterfly? Then I won’t wake up no more.

When I open my eyes Jessica lets me sip some tea. I lie with my head in her lap. My god. Best dream ever. Best moment of my life. A die-guy in the arms of the heroine. Almost unheard of. The tea makes me cough though. Very shortly I see a red flare in her eyes at my noise. I relax again. Now Carl has to move it. If he wants an ‘Eat II’ he needs to save the day this time. Stupid dick though is preparin’ a weapon. A weapon that’s not gonna work. I can feel it. So I get up. The hardest thing to do, leavin’ that sweet bosom. I approach the librarian. ‘So.’ I ask of her. ‘Ever read about demons like these?’

‘How do you know they’re demons?’ she asks, while whisperin’. ‘Could be aliens too.’ Everyone is whisperin’ now. It helps my monster stay low a bit at the least.

‘Nah.’ I whisper. ‘Aliens wouldn’t be shapeshiftin’ so much in human form. Must be creatures from the dark, takin’ us over. Evil beings already present on earth for eons. Creatures that know how to manipulate us, humans. Sounds more like demons to me.’

‘Then why doesn’t the holy water work?’ she asks. She refers to the church. I have missed that scene. There’s always one with a priest backin’ off, while splatterin’ holy water, as the monster approaches. In this movie that wasn’t the answer. The priest got eaten. ‘Perhaps they’re not Christian demons. Perhaps they’re from Africa. Older and darker.’

She looks at me puzzled. ‘How do you know?’

‘I am the sucker who brought them.’ Wow. I get a real scene. From die-guy I’ve turned into the explanation guy. Could be that the director wasn’t yet satisfied with the endin’, or what would stop the monsters. Or we are just close to the end, so revelations and solutions are needed.

This happened to my grandfather too. Not that he made a difference, but he got one real non dyin’ scene in a World War II movie. In that scene, he shares a dream of an Aryan nation. Ugly. In a second scene, he gets murdered from behind by the resistance. While dyin’ he grasps a hand grenade. They kick him of a mountain still holdin’ it in his hand. Halfway down: kaboom. Next scene is a lot of fightin’, cause now all the other nazis are warned. They die anyway. Boombadaboom. Two uncles, three nephews, and a few friends of my grandfather in them scenes too. Four on the German side, the others on the American side. They all die. Boombadaboom.

I tell the librarian how I stole the suitcase the first monster escaped from, from a human demon. My uncle. How I put it in front of another door, because the case scared me. C-movie logic. Now, I tell her, I want to make things right. Right. Like I care. I want the monster within out and then live on. As I am currently a baddy, I can’t hope to find the right solution. I have to trust Carl will save his girl and then more of us.

As predicted the black mechanic dies. He shoots the weapon Carl made. He says he has to try, cause Carl should live. For he has a love to live for. I can tell from the tear in his eyes the black guy has a family too, only not in this movie. So he can die without the audience feeling too guilty about his choice, nor do they have to blame Carl for his death.

He was a noble die-guy. Noble die-guys always have hope, then die anyway. Now the monsters look at this building. They slowly start to gather around it.

The Redneck dies shortly after too. The experienced older copper sprays water, which slows the monsters down. The Redneck gets too afraid and shoots his guns against all reasons the movie has already shown. Guns don’t stop the monsters. It pisses them off. The noise makes me almost turn inside out. It’s Jessica though, who is closer and rips off his head. Nasty surprise. Jessica has turned.

Now the movie speeds up. Everyone starts to run, yet Carl can’t. He tries speaking softly to his love within the demon. The demon rises slowly towards the sealing. It is Jessica and it is not. She looks like this Indian demon goddess Kali, or somethin’, in a spider shape. She looms, yet seems to hesitate. Then I turn too. I loom over Carl next to Jessica. I’m fuckin’ hungry and ‘ave no love for him in me. Eatin’ a hero is what would pleasure me. I know. Famous last wishes of die-guys. Just when I want to strike Carl, I see the yellowy mayor trying to run. I grab him. He screams. Stupid things to do. I bite of his head. Mr. die-guy even gets a kill-guy moment. Then behind us the wall is ripped open. Five more monsters slowly move forward.

Heroes always have more time. No quick rippin’ their heads of. Slowly building time for the finale. There’s time to wonder and think. Carl doesn’t think. He steps silently as he can, back and back. And then falls over the microphone system in the corner.

As it happens, it’s still on standby. Now we hear the hardest ugliest screech ever. A microphone is lyin’ directly in front of a sound speaker. The filthy thing is on. A terrible ongoin’ squeeek sounds. We monsters cringe. Carl sees us do that. Now he gets it. Fuckin’ last moment hero. Carl adds to the sounds as much as he can. Sounds piss us off, because it’s dangerous for us when it’s too much. Makes bloody sense. Gun shots are too short bursts to have an effect. This looong horrible noise, makes me cringe. I feel now the monster inside me fightin’ to get out, while I slay my hands to my ears. I cringe, wrestle, tumble, wither. I fight. The monster inside me fights the sickening resonance that sweeps thru it. All monsters around me do the same. Getting smaller while cringing violently. I lose consciousness. Again. Happily. I hope the monster dies.

— -The Eat — -



Carl and Jessica hug. Behind them, the experienced copper with the help of the mafia guy and librarian is attaching the speaker system to a pickup. Other people approach. The sound system blares happy soul into the street. Then another monster appears and everyone starts screaming and running behind the pickup. Yet, when the monster approaches the screeching sound is turned back on continuously and the monster cringes and cringes until a child is left on the street. A mother approaches it laughing. They grasp each other, the child now crying in its mother's arms.

Now Carl and Jessica get on top of the pickup, while the copper sits behind the wheel. The librarian and mafia guy sit next to him. Slowly the pickup starts to move forward.

The camera starts to rise over the street and the car slowly moves away from it. Carl stands with his right arm across Jessica’s shoulders. She leans her head into his neck. Around them, we see a shattered street, damaged houses, and yet a growing group of humans walking behind the pickup towards the late afternoon sunlight.

Fade out.

End credits.

4 The end

Wooa. Die-guy lives through 2nd movie. I made it. Twice. That doesn’t mean I’ll get to live through the next movie. I still look like one of those you love to see die. Or worse. Someone you just don’t care about whether he lives or dies.

To me livin’ means I get to call my mother from the local motel and make her very happy.

The next day I check out. I am not waiting around for ‘The Eat II’. I want to see if I can get back to Europe. If not, then perhaps Sundance. Sundance is nice too. I might die in a Sundance movie. It happens. But at the least, it’s not like dying in a B or C rate horror or gangster movie.

I use the woman’s clothin’ in my room, to make me look a bit more like a hippie. I make my face as friendly as possible. A character. That’s what I need to develop. Die-guys don’t have them. Most of the chick's clothing makes me look plain weird. But a wimpy pink T-shirt gives me this student comedy feel. Now there is hope too. Student comedies. Hopeless losers making tons of wrong decisions out of anxiety. Guess what? I am willing to be humiliated big time. Beats dyin’. And I may even have some kind of happy endin’ at the end of a student comedy, like really losing my virginity. I’m dreamin’ of a future. That’s what real people do too. So let’s get started. The road awaits me.

And you, next time you watch a movie with a lot of die-guys. Consider each funeral that comes with each death. Consider all the relationships tied to each life. That’ll spoil the fun, I admit. Yet, I hope my story helps you watch better movies with less gratuitous (I’ve been lookin’ for this word) death and more real people. You might not realize how that saves lives in ways you cannot know.



Floris Koot
Floris’ Playground

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.