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Science Horror

Experiment goes boom, sort of.

Floris Koot
4 min readAug 25, 2021


Professor Philips was very excited. As he had arrived at work this morning the first thing he heard was that it had worked. Years of research had led to an experiment that proved his theory. He slipped on his white lab coat and immediately walked the long hallway into the tunnel at CERN. He wanted to see his success for himself. Tonight he’d buy his wife a big dinner at a fancy restaurant and order himself a large steak. The ambitious tiger within him felt very proud.

When he had almost reached the lab he saw Dagierra running his way. The little gutless assistant was cringing his hands. “We caught it in a big glass sphere, sir. And then it started eating the glass from the inside.” Philips frowned and started to move faster forward. A worried Cynthia Jackson and two other of his colleagues were standing next to the lab door. Jackson made a panicked movement with her hands but made little sense with her typical squeekish voice. From inside the lab, it sounded like a horde of hooligans got to work. Philips opened the door. Behind it was nothing, but a tiny black sphere sucking and ripping anything attached to the walls into it. Everything else was already gone. Then the door was ripped out of Philips's hands. Then Philips. Then..

Capitan Estuardo looked at the weather map of Europe. It behaved very weirdly. Like the computer met a problem it didn’t know what to do with. He banged on the dashboard hoping that might help. The crew around him looked hopeless. His huge tanker with goods from South America, such as coffee and bananas, lots of bananas, was nearing the territorial waters of Spain. Estuardo needed to know what he was getting into. He looked at de la Cruz if he could make the computer work. Montoya started to point forward. The calm sea seemed to be sucked into the horizon. Then it was like the tanker started to glide downhill into a vortex. The sight was both magnificent and terrifying. From the windows of his ship, he saw the sea, rocks, even something that looked like a city, all swirling around a growing, blackish nothing and then disappearing into it.

Urgent knocks woke the US president. He lifted his head and groggily reached for his phone. 4:34 AM. “Sir, sir, we got urgent news from Europe not 4 minutes ago.” sounded a muffled voice from behind the door. “Is it war?” shouted the president. “No sir… worse.” The president patted his sleeping wife’s arm and slipped out of bed. He walked to the door in his pajamas and looked out. His aide Steven Andrews held out a phone. The president took it but the line was dead. Irritated he looked at Andrews. “It was CERN sir. They had this experiment and it succeeded. Then they called us in panic. And then they were gone.”

It was at that moment that the sound started to reach them. It was a slow rumble getting louder fast. “For Christ's sake, what is that?” the president demanded annoyed. Andrews stuttered, “I presume the result of the experiment, sir.” “What experiment?” shouted the president over the increasing noise. Andrews had to bend forward and shout the answer in the president's ear, “The idiot scientists done it, sir. They recreated a tiny black hole.” The president looked at Andrews and then back to his bed where his wife still was sleeping. He wanted to run to her but stayed to answer Andrews first. His last words were lost in the sounds of the White House itself falling apart. “These idiots, they don’t knoow wheeen toooo stooooop.”

In a Mexican torture room run by a cartel, José lifted a machete. Looking down on Magdalene he growled, “Nothing’s going to save you now..” He smirked so full of power, he ignored the increasing sounds outside to make the woman in front of him in fear. “You little bitch I’ll..” The wall was ripped away before he could strike with his machete. He looked up annoyed. Then shocked. Then both he and Magdalena disappeared into the vortex too.

Juan Perez in Peru decided he should dare profess his love to Maria Lopez and he would tomorrow at school. She in her turn was hoping Juan would finally make a move. The sound of collapsing buildings broke their daydreaming.

Wu-Lan Chi finally solved the riddle that had been plaguing her all her life. She looked for a pen to put it down in poetry when the sound invaded her life. She would never share her genius idea.

In Japan, three school girls signed a contract with a newspaper that would have exclusive access to them reporting these girls' peace initiative. They raised their fingers making the peace sign to the cameras. Then they looked behind them because of a crazy loud sound. It was the last they ever did.

An Alaskan Inuit dropped the fish he had caught. He watched the sea slink away in high speed from the land. The sky and clouds all became stripes slinking away to the horizon. The end rushed in.

In the Pacific, a highly intelligent being heard the sound and experienced the vibrations of earth collapsing in on itself. As it perceived the source location to which it all was sucked into, it muttered its last thought, “arrogant humans..”



Floris Koot
Floris’ Playground

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.