The overseer facing his work and the light to do it. Phote cc: Unsplash

What is to be done?

God meets his overseer for planet earth.

Floris Koot
10 min readOct 12, 2021


God: So, how are the humans doing?

Overseer: They’re kind of committing collective suicide, oh God.

God: What!? Suicide!? And I gave them these outstanding survival skills. They should be able to hunt even the biggest predators on their planet.

Overseer: (sigh) On their planet, they currently are the biggest predator.

God: So, they survive and should do well, no?

Overseer: Too well, oh God. Their own survival skills are now killing them. You know, their software so to speak, ‘Expand where you can.’ ‘Take every opportunity!’ ‘You are the keepers of the earth.’ Well, they now dominate the planet in a toxic way. They pollute the seas, the land, cut the forests, all for the profits of a few. And any animal or forest in the way, if it doesn’t speak back, isn’t owned, they claim it as a prize or remove it as an obstacle. And any spiritual growth, I see, seems to be too slow or too corrupted to change course.

God: But what about the sensitive people, the meek, those who have empathy and should lead them? They should have inherited the earth and live in paradise, so to speak.

Overseer: Oh them. They consider the meek as weak. Empathy doesn’t make money. It’s only allowed among family and towards neighbors. Those who care are considered too soft to make it. Losers. And many who do care are depressed. There are too many people in general, and thus those that care are the ones who actually commit suicide, to help other life. This other life is too many of the bastards that destroy the living conditions on this planet.

God: Wtf!?

Overseer: Wtf!? Are you sure you’re really God? That was a very human expression.

God: Just consider you translate my vibration as human language in your own brain.

Overseer: Oh, but..

God: Look I’ll explain how that works later. For now, your mission is to save all life on their planet.

Overseer: Oh God, no, oh God, how?

God: Well, work on their programming. I bet they run amok with individualism. “Me, me, me!” Basic greed. And in their little brains, they all make it logical and acceptable. So easy do winners create the illusion that their winning means entitlement and right to power. So easy do such grabbers consider the warped logic in their muddled little monkey brains means they see things best. Well just because one has power, or is a success, doesn’t mean one is right.

Overseer: …Yeah, and those in power keep training others to be like them, to make it all more acceptable and such. … But how do you know?

God: Happened so often before. Lost quite a few planets full of life because of that.

Overseer: ..!.. I thought we were the only human planet.

God: Hahaha. Well, these are a new tweaked kind. Apparently, I need to tweak some more. Or start to rethink the whole intelligence bit. It so often ends up creating a disconnect. Or people confuse this tool as their essence.

I currently expect more results where species grow together as one living diversity, and as their sun dies, they are adapting to living free of worlds. I’m so excited about that concept, that, well, you’ll have to do this one. I hope you can prevent them from making the same mistake like all the others.

Overseer: Do you have any clue how deep this ‘winning at the cost of others is best’ mindset is set within their social fabric? Their whole culture is about power, obtaining more and ideologies that only think in money.

God: I thought they had religion now. Didn’t I send prophets?

Overseer: Yeah, what religion? Attend church, temple, mosque on holy days, and then back to business. They’d be able to feed and house everyone with working just 1 or 2 days and the rest could be play. But what do they do? They pressure each other to use that time to work harder, produce more bullshit and pressure others to join the cult of greed, and, if you don’t play along, prohibit their access to housing and food.

God: Really?

Overseer: Yeah, really!

God: The fuckers. And their meek religious leaders, aren’t they the voices of reason?

Overseer: Fuckers?

God: That’s your shallow translation of my vibration. We were talking about their religious leaders.

Overseer: Hmm. Some try, many say the words, but don’t walk the talk, and too many enjoy the power and pertain their ideology is best. They may even persecute those that dare to differ.

God: That’s ideology! I asked about religion.

Overseer: Religion? Is it religion when people claim our concept of God is best, our religion is best? Is it religion when followers are told what and how to believe and listen to their religious leaders, in order to be accepted in the hands of God?

God: Everyone is accepted. Everyone is loved…

Overseer: You tell them that.

God: …it’s just that I gave them some principles, call it suggestions for behavior, that I even adapted to culture, climate or location. I have so many shapes. And many beliefs do help to create more diversity. Diversity is wealth. Can you imagine a planet with just one species or one religion? Brr.

Overseer: Well, they keep trying to be the only species. Beliefs keep trying to be the only acceptable, let alone the best, one. And religions have rules. They added a whole lot of punishment to breaking their rules. And these rules are warped too. Take your ‘Thou shalt not kill’. Well, now they live that rule as:.. except when in the army, or with the police, or against a house intruder, or..

God: But, someone, who.. eh..kills another being should feel the deep pain of disconnection and realize this is death for another version of possible holy self.

Overseer: Oh God!!

God: Are you calling me?

Overseer: Sorry, that was just an exclamation of despair. So, yes, I was actually calling upon you. They kill this pain. Most of the heroes in their stories, or movies now, are cold-blooded psychopaths who kill what they consider the bad guys, without remorse. And the audience praises this disconnection.

God: But the voices of the meek? Of the children?

Overseer: Come on! I told you already! Those that can be trained to not feel while destroying the planet, destroying others, that are successful in preying on people, are the celebrated ones, much more so than the meek. And those that fail at being successful are called the losers. Popular meek are artists with small followings. And then there’s professionals running NGO’s to help others. Most people use them to dampen their insensitivity with a caring tear and a coin for a good cause.

God:…what is a good cause?

Overseer: Are you even listening?

God: I hear you. Can’t they understand that survival means all nature has to be alive? Do you say, they actually destroy paradise?

Overseer: They have an image of paradise as a garden created by architects that fit the ideas of the ruling class of whatever state or religion they belong to. But, they claim, this can only be achieved, when all that they consider chaos, read dangerous animals, the poor, people who disagree are gone, and the super-rich have time to finally build paradise.

God: …but it’s already there! Just help nature blossom and be vibrant. Don’t they get that?

Overseer: No. It seems not.

God: Well, that would seem a good cause, no?

Overseer: No.

God: Then what is a good cause?

Overseer: Good causes means those in power who legally robbed people and the planet, give to their victims to satisfy some basic needs, in order to justify their position. But nothing changes. Giving to good causes means looking good, while you protect the sick system as it is.

God: Well, humans have free will. If they fuck it up. Their decision.

Overseer: Jesus Christ!

God: That’s one of my prophets.

Overseer: Prophets? He claimed he was your son.

God: He was a favorite of mine. Actually I consider all humans my offspring.

Overseer: Well this so-called favorite of yours claimed that one could only be saved by believing in him.

God: Wasn’t that a great marketing trick? I loved him for it and made it kind of true for some.

Overseer: For whom?

God: For all who believed in that. For them, that was the path. Others walk on other paths right back into my arms.

Overseer: Yeah, well, this marketing trick is now a general poison. “Only when you buy x, believe y, support z, act like us, can you become happy.”

God: Buy x? People should acquire according to their real needs, not according to their lust, or make-believe promises. Why do they slip so?

Overseer: I keep telling you, they need a stronger message than I can give. Do something!

God: Shall I smite some big cities full of sinners? I can do that in a minute and leave you to threaten them, more will happen unless…

Overseer: Nooo. Smiting they don’t get anymore. They’ll rebuild and continue as is. How do I get them to listen to the meek? Who are the meek anyway?

Goddess: Well, children that care, children want a healthy planet. People who care and who act on that care without self-interest. Mountains gorillas and orangutans. Pandas. Whales. Elephants. You know, all the gentle-natured beings.

Overseer: Most humans don’t see cute as an essential power, oh God.

Goddess: Cute, gentle majesty, soft touches, mutual warmth, a smile, caring, play, love, wisdom. Those are the mighty powers.

Overseer: Well, most will say that’s frivolous and doesn’t get you an income.

God: Who can decide an income for another? Pick the fruits you need.

Overseer: Come onnn! Paradise is over and you know it. Even their holy books talk about pay for work.

God: Tsss. Tone!

Overseer: Yeah, people also always say ‘tone!’ in an abusive relationship, when they don’t want to address the content of the issue.

God: Okay, let’s both step into this meek power.

Overseer: Eh, what?

Goddess: We both meek it down and rescue the planet you oversee. Deal?

Overseeress: Yeah, I guess.

Goddess: Being guarded doesn’t help you. The biggest power is positive going forward, fully acknowledging the dark that needs to be overcome, but not judging it. Rather, either make it obsolete, like Bucky said, or transform it with meek power!

Overseeress: Meek power!

Goddess: .. *

Overseeress: Wow!

Goddess: Yes, that’s how it works.

Overseeress: How, for heaven’s sake, do I share that?

Goddess: .. *

Overseeress: Yes, oh God.

Goddess: So, how does meek power work?

Overseeress: In human words, I’d say, jeez, it ..

Goddess: Not my prophet’s name in vain, well actually, nice calling in this case..

Overseeress: Thank you. I’m a bit overloaded by your light. ..

Goddess: (smiles)

Overseeress: So, in human words is meek power is something like,

  • opening your heart for love towards everything.
  • glow, glow, glow that love into the world.
  • have so much warmth together, everybody wants to join.
  • have empathy towards all living beings.
  • sense needs, pains and joys of all that is other, because you’re part of that too.
  • support others in need of love and help where and whenever you can.
  • sending so much love out that looking in to the eyes of the meek breaks hearts.
  • showing hurt so clearly in the eyes, without blame that only the totally disconnected can’t keep looking without a deep sense of shame.
  • bring the disconnected connecting gifts, like plants, cute animals, flowers, nature
  • if they don’t understand, bring the disconnected shame, like dead animals, dead plants, dead flowers
  • and refuse any part in their schemes, even when they use pressure on you.

And so many more.. the way you, oh God, radiate information is incredible..

Goddess: Everyone sensing into essence can read so many things in one instance..

Overseeress: I see.

Goddess: I know you do. Goodluck.

Overseeress: Oh God!

Goddess: Anything more?

Overseeress: No, it was just me exclaiming your name, as in “what a monstrous huge task I have ahead!”

Goddess: You won’t be alone, you know that? You complain about the powers that be. But there are millions of meek doing or trying to do the right thing. They already act like that. They are the hope for the future. And they might need to speak some tough love to their leaders in business, government and even their own religions.

Overseeress: It’s not as if the meek have enough freedom, let alone mental freedom to speak up.

Goddess: Their hearts know. They should listen to that more.

Overseeress: Sorry for being a cynic, but then advertising tells them, how to listen to their heart and buy the product or ideology fitting that feeling.

Goddess: They should listen more and deeper to their own hearts and find more personal ways to express that.

Overseeress: Look, you expect me to do the work, but each time I tell you, you seem fully aware of what’s happening and have all the answers.

Goddess: So. When you focus my attention, I see beyond what you describe. And then I let go, as I run some other galaxies too.

Overseeress: But, but don’t you want the humans to succeed?

Goddess: I do. I want them to succeed themselves.

Overseeress: oh God.

Goddess: I find your lack of trust in their capability a bit disconcerting. The meek are in a huge majority. People who listen to their hearts, become beautiful and shine. It would help them if they just look more at hearts, and less at looks, opinions, fears, rules, and such. It would help them if they found and supported other true meek in their endeavor to make a difference. It would help if they related much more to nature and cried over nature loss. It would help if they accepted the huge diversity of needs and issues had a huge diversity of solutions and helpful perceptions.

Overseeress: If only they knew.

Goddess: Well, now you know. Best be on your way then and go tell them. And fully trust that you’ll meet many allies once you act!

Overseeress: Oh God.

Goddess: Goddess.

Overeeress: Godess?

Goddess: Makes people more sensitive to the might of the soft.

Overseeress: Oh Goddess.

Goddess: Thank you. I’ll be there.



Floris Koot
Floris’ Playground

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.