Living with Adult Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Shirley J. Davis
Flourish Mag
Published in
9 min readMar 25, 2020


Photo by Anastasia Taioglou on Unsplash

We have all been in the classroom with that one child who doesn’t seem to be able to sit still. He or she fidgets constantly and talks out of turn. Their behavior has left us pondering what is wrong.

Or, as a child, you can remember trying to sit still and pay attention in class, but your mind wouldn’t let you. You fidgeted so much in your seat that you became well-acquainted with both the corner of your classrooms when younger and detention hall when older.

Now as an adult, you find it very difficult to get involved enough and to the things that you must but have little interest in doing. These responsibilities may involve paying your bills or reading a chapter in a handbook for work.

What we have been observing, and you have been experiencing are the tell-tale signs of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Millions of People are Affected

If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, you are not alone.

According to MindMed, company creators of neurocognitive therapeutic apps to help people with mental diversity, between 3% to 5% of the world’s population has ADHD.

That adds up to between 231 and 385 million people who have problems with focusing on tasks, and problems holding together…



Shirley J. Davis
Flourish Mag

I am an author/speaker/grant writer in the U.S. My passion is authoring information about mental health disorders, especially dissociative identity disorder..