6 ideas to get bookings now

Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2017

The shelves at the Target and Wal-Mart are stuffed with pencils, crayons and slap bracelet rulers. Tissues are on sale, so are lunch box “essentials” like chips and cookies. That can only mean one thing. Summer is coming to an end, as it always does. That also means the end of vacations and soon, the end of weekend cookouts. If you have kids, schedules change. Things get back to “normal.”

For you and your customers this will likely mean more availability. It’s time to get your August and September and maybe even a few spots in October booked. Do you need a reason to contact your customers? Here are a few ideas to get you going. Use these as a spring board to come up with your own great ideas and share them on our FB timeline. We’d love to hear why and how you’re reaching out to your clients.

For super fun planners check out meandmybigideas.com We don’t get a kickback…I just like their stuff.
  1. The Fall product line has been released. Stop what you’re doing right now, reading this obviously, and make a list of 10 customers who would love to know about the new line. Did they love the summer products? Do they have something that would compliment something that is new. They should know. You can send a catalog and follow up. Send a link or a picture of an item and let them know that you thought they’d love it. Follow up with a phone call and offer what ever lovely hostess promotion you have now. Turn her order into a booking.
  2. It’s time to reoder. If the product you sell is consumable then you have a great reorder opportunity. Keep notes in the “tasks” section of your Flourishapp account on when to contact customers to reorder. Call your customers that need to reorder and let her know about the special you’re running for hostesses this fall. Turn her reorder into a booking.
  3. Meet the mom’s in your child’s class. Be your own hostess and have the moms from your child’s class over for coffee and brownies after drop off. Let them know that you sell ____ and you’ll have some products out if they want to look. Or, just have them out and casually mention what you do when they get there, but don’t make that the focus. Follow up with them later or book them to be hostesses right there if they’re interested.
  4. An opportunity to meet the mom’s in their child’s class. As some customers to host a mom’s coffee for the moms in their kid’s new class. It’s a great way to meet the new moms and have something to talk about with perfect strangers, which can sometimes be awkward.
  5. Before and after contest with the fall line. If you sell beauty products this is an easy go to for bookings. Start a before and after portfolio. It’s so fun to look back on the pages from months and years before. Create a questionnaire for the makeover model to fill out and feature her makeover on your social media. Give away a fun product at the end of the month to the “winner” of your make over contest. Your winner can be whoever had the most guests or sold the most product when she shared her makeover with friends or you can have a non-related person look at the makeovers and pick their favorite. Be sure to turn one on one makeovers into parties.
  6. Create a style portfolio. If you sell a fashion line pick a few items to feature in your style portfolio and have lots of different women try on the same style for your portfolio. That way you can show others how the same item looks great on lots of body types. Or you can show different ways to wear the same item. Feature your models on your social media and be sure she invites friends to share her modeling session.

You have so many reasons you can contact your customers. Take advantage of the changing seasons and schedules so that you can get your fall booked solid. Then, in October you can treat your self to a pumpkin spiced latte and look back on your success.



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Flourish is a business management application built exclusively for direct sales professionals.