Find Success in 2012

Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2012

By Dawn Billings

What is the secret to finding success in 2012? Ask any successful business owner, CEO, mother, marathon runner, or sales person — “what is the secret to success?”, and 99 out of 100 will say, there are many but one of the most important is “self-discipline”. Self-discipline is important because it keeps you moving in the right direction even when you feel lost and exhausted. Self-discipline does not rely on feelings. Feelings are fickle and too many people give up because they stop “feeling” like they want to continue. Above average achievers are successful because they have developed the habit of self-discipline that keeps them moving forward even when they don’t “feel” like it. It is essential for a person to be disciplined if success is the ultimate goal.

Unfortunately, we are not born with self-discipline. Self-discipline is a skill that we must turn into a habit and in order to do this, we much practice self-discipline daily. Developing the habit of self-discipline is not easy. It takes hard work, consistency, and sacrifice, so most people do not think of it in the “fun” category. But the personal achievement, and monetary success that follow self-discipline can make it all worthwhile. When you enjoy more success and feel that you have more time and are less stressed financially, now that’s fun.

Self-discipline is the first step to achieving “personal greatness”. “Personal greatness” has a different meaning for each individual, but everyone will agree that personal greatness includes a sense of pride and confidence.

To develop the habit of self-discipline you must ask this question, “what do I want out of life?” And an even more daunting question is, “What do I want my legacy of my life to be?”

Make a list of the things you want to accomplish. Your list will help you determine where you want to go and what you need to do to begin and stay on track. Begin by dreaming. Allow yourself to go wild with your dreams. Do not attempt to determine what is realistic or improbable. Just brainstorm dreams. After dreaming, now you can allow yourself to think. What is important to you? Take a walk alone or sit in solitude for 30 minutes and just ponder Once you have come up with a clear picture, begin to make your list.

The next step is setting goals. You should have two kinds of goals, long-term goals and goals you set for yourself each day. Goals drive you forward toward your dreams and help you maintain clarity and focus. Clarity and focus are mandatory for success. In a spiral notebook, on your computer, or your PDA, list ten goals you wish to accomplish in the next year. Goals should be written as if they have already been achieved, in the present tense, with “I + an action verb”. A goal for runner striving to finish a marathon might be, “I run 26.2 miles”. A goal for a sales person determined to increase his monthly income might be, “I earn $10,000 per month”. A goal for a mom might be “I raise great and competent, self-reliant children.” Rewrite your goals every morning before you start your day. Do this every day for one month and you will be well on your way to achieving self-discipline.

After you are clear about what it is you want and where you want to go, find avenues to meet people who can help you, guide you and mentor you. Get involved in business networking groups like TROVA Business Network and if you are a woman, The Heart Link Women’s Network. You will meet like-minded professionals that can help make your journey toward success easier and more fun. Also, surrounding yourself with people who are working toward their dreams can help you stay focused and disciplined with yours.

What is the secret to finding success in 2012? The same secrets of 1920, 1955 and 2011, hard work, persistence and time management skills and a commitment to self-discipline. Concentrate on your goals, work hard and you will find success.

Dawn Billings, CEO and Founder of The Heart Link Women’s Network with over 200 women’s networking locations in the U.S., Canada, Australia and sponsored chapters in Pakistan and Costa Rica. Dawn is the author of over 25 books, and was named one of 80 emerging women leaders by Oprah Magazine and The White House Project. Dawn is also the creator of the Primary Colors Personality Test used to build strong teams and families around the world.



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