Find your balance

Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018

I cry in yoga. I don’t know why.

I joined a new gym in January and I love going there. There are a wide variety of classes, one offering is Yoga. I go once, sometimes twice a week. Every time, without fail, I cry.

Like, an actual sob.

I don’t have any idea why. But I feel great when I walk back out that door.

At first, I was trying to fight it. I would do everything I could to hold back the tears. Just last week I decided that from now on, I’m just going to go with it. So I pick up a towel on my way into class and as we flow through the vinyasa, the tears flow down my face. The truth is, I think I’ve found my balance.

If you’re like me, and many women who run their own businesses are this way, you have two speeds. Turbo and asleep. Yoga is neither turbo nor is it sleep. That’s where I stop, just before I hit the brick wall. I slow down and actually breathe. I think about all the things that I am thankful for and I pray. Down run the tears and I never hit the wall.

For once in my life I’ve found a balance between running everywhere, working, being a mom, a cook, a cleaner, and folder of laundry. Somewhere between being a friend and wife, a daughter and volunteer I balance. It’s one of the best hours of my week.

It’s hard to walk away and go to class. I have to leave my phone at the door. Sometimes I leave my family still eating dinner and who knows what will happen to the dishes. But I walk away from all the crazy where I am focused and quiet for 60 minutes. I encourage you to find a balance. You’re working so hard right now to start something new. To be your own boss in a fresh and exciting way. It can literally consume every hour of the day because you’ll likely dream about your work. I challenge you to leave it all, to walk away for just 60 minutes a week. Go for a run, find a yoga class, get on your knees and pray, journal in a coffee shop (with your phone in the car.) I think the key is to focus on just one activity. I bet you’ll leave stronger, energized, emotionally and spiritually relaxed. I challenge you to find your own balance. And please, tell me about it. Comment here or on our FB page with how you are or plan to find your balance.

Originally published at on May 16, 2018.



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