You may not realize it now, but if you aren’t planning for success, you’re planning for failure. I know that sounds harsh, and it kind of is. But it’s the truth. If success in your business is really what you desire it’s time to make your plan for it.
- Decide what you want and why you want it. Ok, this is really two steps but they kind of go together. What you want and why you want it are so closely related they are sometimes almost the same. For example if you want financial freedom because you want to spend more time with your family and less time working, those go hand in hand.
- Now you need to be quantitative not qualitative. Financial Freedom is a quality, not a quantity. What does financial freedom mean for you? If you own a half a million dollar home and don’t want to move, you’re going to need to make more money than someone who pays $400 in rent for a studio apartment in the midwest. So, financial freedom is a number. How much money does that mean to you? Also, for your “why” what is “more time?” Does that mean that you eat dinner with your family every night? Does that mean that you spend at least one weekend day together? You’ve got to make it something you can count or you’ll never know if you’ve realized your success. (To further quantify your goals you’ll need to break them down into a monthly, weekly and daily goals and tasks)
- Get up every day and work. This one sounds pretty simple but Is actually pretty difficult for those who own their own businesses. There are so many distractions! If you have your daily plan figured out, that you determined by breaking down your long term goals, then you’ll have manageable tasks that you can do each day. Do them, then enjoy your day. You’ll feel a lot better about your time off if you know you did what you were supposed to.
Planning for success is imperative to being successful. If you’re choosing not to make a plan, you might just get lucky, but chances are you’ll never see your dreams come true. You can do this. You can plan your work and work your plan!
Originally published at on January 12, 2017.