Summer slow down

Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2019

Summer can sometimes slow down your business. With changes in schedules, vacations and the pool beckoning, it can be hard to work. Here are some tips to keep you on your game.

1. As always, schedule your time. If your kids are home from school for the summer (or home from college or just visiting for a long time) it can be very difficult to fit your work in. You may have to schedule fewer chunks of longer time to get everything done. It might be easier for your family to be without you longer but less frequently. This might mean before you go to a party or show you block out time to make other booking or follow up calls. No matter what works best for your family put it on the schedule and keep it as important as a doctor’s appointment.

2. Be flexible with how you work. Perhaps you usually hold really large parties and expect 20 or more guests. It can be a challenge to get that many people together when so many are traveling. Change your demonstration up to make a shorter party for less people, combine hostesses in a mutual location or find a way to hold virtual parties in conjunction with an in person party. You may have to really contemplate how this would work best for your business and don’t hesitate to ask others who have been in the business longer what has worked for them to keep the income flowing in those lazy summer months.

3. Allow yourself to play. If you take your work to the pool EVERY time you go, if you don’t make time to play with the kids, if you are constantly letting everything else go for your business you’ll find that isn’t sustainable. You have to allow yourself to have a break and completely leave your work behind. Then, when you get back to business, give it your all.

4. Summer camps and kid swaps are a must. We all know another work at home parent or flex time parent we can child share with. Make this offer to them and I’m sure they’ll appreciate it big time. I’ll take your kid every Tuesday if you’ll take mine every Thursday (or whatever arrangement works for you.) I have found this to be extremely helpful. You’ll get one full uninterrupted day to work, so will your friend and the kids are happy both days. Another option is day camps. Half and day and full day camps are available in most areas. Check the YMCA, churches and local schools for options.

Summer doesn’t have to put the breaks on your business. With a little smart work, you can have a very lucrative though sweaty few months.

Originally published at on June 24, 2019.



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