Why I’m Investing In Barren Land.

I just bought 10 acres of land in the Los Angeles desert. Here’s why.

Billimarie Lubiano Robinson
For Every Star, A Tree


Somewhere in Hi Vista, Los Angeles, CA.

There’s a beautiful story in the Mahabharata, one of the world’s oldest epic poems, about the desert. A band of brothers were “gifted” a large wasteland to rule over, in exchange for giving up their rightful claim to their father’s kingdom. With a little help from the divine, the brothers made their patch of desert into a thriving oasis, which later became a prosperous city.

It took me a long time to find this property.

You’d think that desert acreage comes cheap — and for the most part, it does, in places like Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. Looking for anything affordable in L.A. is a laughably painful struggle.

The 10-acres I found was sold to me by an elderly man who lives in Florida. A former real estate developer, he had never seen the land. He wanted to get rid of it to trim his portfolio.

My daughter and I, ready to add nutrients to our land.

My family and I drove up on my birthday to visit. Using Google Map’s property boundaries, we walked to the center of the parcel and kept an eye out for rattlesnakes. We touched the soil, spotted a lone Joshua…

