Improved Flow Docs and Try Flow

George Zahariev
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2023

We’ve refreshed our documentation, and added the ability to configure options and lints in Try Flow!


Over the past 6 months, we’ve reviewed and updated almost every page of our documentation, and added new docs for features previously missing. If you’ve looked at our docs in the past and found them outdated, now is the time to take another look!

Some page highlights:

After we enabled exact object types by default, Try Flow and all documentation examples have been updated to use exact object types by default.

Finally, our website is now built with Docusaurus — this should make loading and navigation snappy.

Try Flow

Try Flow now allows you to enable and disable options and Flow lints! This configuration is saved in the link you share (along with the Flow version you’ve selected). Select the “Config” tab on

We’ll warn you if you open a link specifying an older version of Flow.

$FlowFixMe suppression comments and types now work in Try Flow.

