5 Reasons Your Business Is Craving For An Automated Time Management Tool

Jai Shree
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2022

Remote or not, managing a business and a workforce is no joke. (Ahem! we make memes just to amuse our readers, beg your pardon).

If you’re a business owner or a team manager, you already have tonnes of tasks on your to-do list. And to keep asking your team members to put their timers ON, every minute, shouldn’t be on that list, should it?

Credit: GIPHY

Now, in an era of automation, no one would want to waste their time on such a ridiculous & repetitive task anymore. Especially when they’re just a click away from a kickass Automatic Timer Tool!

If you’re still wondering why exactly you need to invest in such a tool,

Here are 5 reasons your business is craving for an Automatic Timer Tool-

  1. Facing Time Management Issues

Did you know that 80% of the working hours is spent doing tasks with little to no value and only 20% is spent doing something important? (Source: Trafft)

Pretty shocking, right? And most of the businesses are totally unaware of the fact that they are losing on a lot of opportunities just because they’re lacking productivity.

This is why every business should consider conducting time audits every once in a while. And an automatic time management system effortlessly does that for you & your team.

Here are some of the advantages that a robust time tracking system (like Flowace) that help businesses to do a time audit just like that:

  • Automated tracking of work-hour activities,
  • auto-filling the timesheets,
  • Providing reports & analytics

There are a lot of other exciting features a time tracking tool possesses that can skyrocket your productivity.

2. Yet To Excel At Productivity

Credit: GIPHY

Just like we discussed in the last paragraph, time management and productivity are clearly codependent factors. If a business is efficient, this means it’s already managing its time well and vice-versa.

Now a time management tool will provide you with clear and precise data on where your & your team’s office hours are getting spent.

For example, Flowace has a feature that lets you create different work categories. Like you can set up categories like productivity, browsing, meeting, collaboration, etc. This will not only help you to look into your team’s work insights but your employees can also analyze their working behavior on their respective dashboards.

3. Disorganized Team Management

Running a business already demands a lot of time & energy. And when you have a whole team to manage along with other hustles, it gets even more frustrating. Following up with every employee every hour is so not feasible, is it?

Whether it’s a remote, a hybrid, or even an offline team working from the office building, team management is always a difficult task. You have to ensure that your team is motivated enough, efficient enough, making the most of their 8–9 hours while working and maintaining a healthy work-life balance as well.

An automatic time management tool can help you massively in this aspect. It keeps every data related to an employee’s working hour activities intact in its database.

Credit: GIPHY

With such a tool, you can not only understand the working behavior & calculate the precise KPIs of your employees but also guide them accordingly. Here is a quick list of the factors that can help decide the overall KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of a particular employee-

  • Hours spent on a particular task,
  • Visited browsers and online platforms during the research,
  • Time spent on a particular file and a particular project,
  • Most productive hours & least productive hours,
  • Breaks from the work, etc

Basically, a robust automatic time management tool can make your team management simpler without any effort.

4. Lost Working Hours

Has this ever happened to you that you’re tired of working all day yet can’t recall the tasks you were doing? If yes, then you’re not alone.

Even though you can’t classify every small task, you are still investing your energy in those tasks. Whether you’re in video conferencing, on a phone call related to work, or even meeting a client in person. Every second is billable, right?

And an automatic timer helps you record every second that you and your team are putting on a particular project.

5. Unbalanced Work-Life Balance

No matter how repetitive it may sound, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for the consistent growth of a business. But amidst the tonnes of tasks hovering around, many of us forget to take essential breaks & keep stretching the work hours unnecessarily. And it eventually reduces the quality of work and leaves a person exhausted.

Credit: GIPHY

If you’re struggling to ensure the well-being of your team, switching to an automatic tool can help you be more aware of your working behavior.

  • Employees can watch their overall work,
  • Can take a quick break after working in a flow before getting burnt out,
  • Team leads and managers can analyze timesheet reports & look after their team to guide them.

NOTE: Pardon the interruption, but you need to hear this. On Flowace, we have this customizable feature called “Idle Alert”. With this, you can set up a silent pop-up message that will show up when a user’s screen stays idle for more than a while.


To conclude, an automatic time management tool can be a game-changer for your company’s time management and productivity. It helps you track records of every second of your work hassle-free.

With such a tool, you can make more precise and genuine invoices and manage employees effectively.

Now that you’ve read enough basics, it’s time you check a powerful automatic timer tool yourself! Let us book a Flowace demo for you!

Let us make you a productivity star!



Jai Shree

Catching up on childhood dreams. And putting them into words.