Experiments with 5G & Building a Connected Society

Yoshitha Chowdary
Flowchain Knowledge Camp
3 min readDec 23, 2019

In continuation with the previous article “Hyperconnected World — A Brief Introduction to 5G Technology”. This article will talk about practical experiments with 5G in different nations.

Europe’s First 5G Experiments :

A couple of months ago, Europe invested 200 million for the exploitation of 5G networks in self-driving cars and certain sections like healthcare and media. In Brussels, they were evident in defining the objectives :

  • by 2020, every single member state of the Union must have 5G-based services in at least one of its large cities;
  • by 2025, all the large urban areas and the essential transport infrastructures and urban arteries will have to rely on the 5G connection.
The use cases and supporting network technologies

To date, experiments in this regard are already active in countries such as Sweden, Holland, England, and Italy.

Sweden — First 5G Experimental Projects :

Sweden has already begun its experiments for self-driving trucks and city buses in Stockholm. As of now, the project includes only a small urban extend north of the city, with minibusses that have 12 travelers at a time on a pre-recorded route where vehicles move utilizing GPS and other sensors (proximity, visual recognition, etc.) that share data on 5G networks.

5G At Holland :

A unique framework of network and traffic control is being developed in Amsterdam, to control and optimize the flow of individuals and vehicles. Presently, the framework travels on a 4G network, but the move to 5G frameworks will be the definitive step to extend the experimentation all through the nation.

5G Experiments At England :

In England, the government allocates 25 million pounds in 5G projectsOn the first anniversary of its Digital Strategy, the government of the UK announced the winners of a £25 million competition to pave the way for a future rollout of 5G technology in the UK.

5G arrives in Italy :

In Italy, the experiments are carried out in Milan, Rome, Matera, Bari, Prato, L’Aquila, and Turin. In Rome, the focus is on the world of tourism: the project includes the utilization of virtual reality in a few archaeological sites, museums, and places of art & culture to improve the encounter of guests and visitors. Also aiming to show sites and places that are no longer available or destroyed.

In Prato, it’ll be the cinema to appreciate the potential of 5G with the creation of a 3D animated film shot totally with the support of these technological foundations (to work on the project is Enzo D’Alò, the director of “La Gabbianella and the Cat”).

5G: Towards A Networked Society

5G is a game-changer of the system of access and connection with higher bandwidth compared to 4G. Therefore, 5G’s implementation will require the joint efforts of the players in each segment to precise their development and make favorable conditions for the entry of new ones entering the market.

The potential of this technology will be exploited transversely in many areas starting from the automotive and smart homes. It offers new communication channels and new development opportunities to companies to improve the production process — also, a big thanks to machine learning, robotics, and IoT platforms.

In the next few years, 5G is going to create a massive transformation. This innovation gives way to the interconnection between billions of devices. It is going to be a road to services and more and more connectivity integrated between objects and will give birth to the smart city.


