METRC is coming! Learning the Basics of Metrc Compliance- Part II

Patrick McCleary
Flowhub Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2017

This article is part II of the blog “ METRC is coming! Learning the Basics of Metrc Compliance” Please read Part I before proceeding.

Retail and Medical METRC Tags are attached to plants to track them from Seed-to-Sale

METRC Tracked Events

As we discussed in part I, METRC is the recordkeeper of all activities occurring in your facility. METRC records employees, all plants, changes in rooms or growth phases, transfers, activities within a package tag, waste records, user activities, date and time of activities, sales, processing activities, and repackaging. Everything is recorded and cannot be deleted. If you make a mistake you cannot erase it but you can make adjustments and corrections to your errors.

Most of these activities can be found in your package tag dropdown (pic: above). There are many activities that can red flag your facility in METRC. Having inventory packages with quantities that do not match your physical inventory, processing sales from packages with no quantities, missing days of sales, or improper adjustments are a few examples that can lead to Red Flags for you dispensary and can lead to a potential audit by your state’s Marijuana Enforcement Division.

While this may seem like a lot of operational headache, METRC has been instrumental to Colorado’s success as the first state to legalize recreational cannabis. For business owners in California and Nevada, METRC will disrupt your current workflows. Moving forward, compliance needs to be your business’s number one priority.

Flowhub is here to help to reduce the operational burden for our customers! Our expert staff comes directly from the cannabis industry as growers, auditors, compliance officers and managers. We understand the struggles and concerns with the way the cannabis industry operates and we are constantly providing new tools to make cannabis business more efficient!


The Nug, a scannable iOS device is key to expediting your workflows and improving the time, efficiency, and accuracy 0f your METRC processes. It’s like having a compliance officer in your pocket. As a handheld device, The NUG makes movement and phasing of plants easier and speeds up executing functions for METRC. The Nug not only helps you in the garden, but can also helps with checking customer into your sales queue, auditing, and transferring inventory between all of your locations.

METRC Discrepancy Report

This report is organized by sorting the Notes column and separating those specific notes by color making this report easier to read.

An important tool for Flowhub Retail users is the METRC Discrepancy Report. The METRC Discrepancy Report provides a snapshot of your current inventory in Flowhub and compares it to your METRC inventory. Here we can see discrepancy reasons, for example like “Active package in METRC, not in FH”, “Not found in METRC” and “Quantity Discrepancy”. Audit your business and make sure you are accurately reporting to the state.

Flowhub Consulting

If you are in need for more assistance getting prepared for METRC compliance, Flowhub Consulting is here to help! Flowhub Consulting can help you maintain an accurate inventory in METRC by providing our Basic and advanced METRC trainings for dispensaries, gardens and processing facilities. These trainings will give you insight on how to properly use METRC and how to investigate errors within your inventory. We can also help you transition your inventory from other seed- to-sale platforms to METRC.

The California and Nevada cannabis markets have a lot of work ahead and Flowhub is here to help make the move to METRC smooth and pain free! Sign up for a Demo of our services today!

