3 Essentials of Effective Team Management

Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2018

Effective team management includes both time and project management and of course managing people. If you are at the head of a team, have lots of projects to manage and plenty of unanswered calls and e-mails last but not least insufficient time to get the job done before the deadline, you need to discover the cores of team management. In order to create a more productive, motivated and fruitful team, here are 3 essentials of team management we compiled for you.

Essentials of effective team management

1- Get your team keep tracking of time

When you manage a team you actually manage their time too. All team members are depending on you and you need to follow their workflow as well. For an organized workflow, getting an online team management tool with time tracking feature is the first and best thing you can do for your team and improving your management skills. With the help of such software, you will be able to monitor all tasks assigned and who is doing what at any time with a single glance.

Thanks to your team’s collected data by your time tracking tools, you always have a chance to compare your team’s past and current projects and see how much time they spend on a task. Time tracking tools like Flowmagic helps you to manage your work, see everything in a single board, remember where you are in your process, and work accordingly to save time.

2- The Principle of Transparency

Being completely transparent to your team as a manager creates a mutual trust and an atmosphere of respect in your office. As in time tracking and team management tools, if everyone knows what other team members are doing and how much time others spent on tasks, there will be no question in their minds. Plus, this kind of working system makes them believe in their manager as well and helps you improve your team management skills.

To be a completely transparent and build a transparent environment, your goals as a manager should be set plainly before you start working on a project. According to research about working as a team display the importance of the principle of transparency. It is found that more transparency brings more bliss, total harmony, and respectfulness to teams. Sharing and discussing project results, giving and getting constructive feedback and constant communication also feature in team transparency.

3- Protect Your Team From Burn-out

Overburdening and giving too many responsibilities can cause your team to burn-out. It is not an urban myth or a laughing matter, burn-out is one of the most dangerous things that can happen to your team. Team burn-out leads to unproductiveness, ineffectiveness, and over-fatigue of your team members, which lead an unhappy working environment and slowing down in business development. Worried enough?

Of course, there are some basic steps to take to avoid team burn-out. One of them is to motivate your team. As the manager of your team, you should not be afraid of saying nice words such as ‘Great job!’ or ‘You did a perfect job!’. Time tracking and project management apps are excellent ways to motivate your team. When you finished a task on the list, you can see it on the board as completed, that motivates you more than anything.

Time tracking software for teams and freelancers Flowmagic

