User flow uncovering. Stripe

Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2022

No time to explain. In this series of articles, I do a quick review of websites where we’ll discuss three flowchart aspects such as onboarding, killer features and dark patterns. Today we are going to focus on Stripe. Giddy up!

#1 — Onboarding

This video was made by and shows you a full process in details

What’s good?
What I like is the account customization suggested during the onboarding. It usually happens that a user is not motivated enough to search for certain features, so being able to set up the dashboard the way you want it to be is very useful. This is a smart solution, and also remarkable (highlighted with yellow in our usual flow).

What’s good?
Here I can mention little things like menu drop-down when you are choosing the country just at the very beginning of registration and when you fill out the form about your company. No, it doesn’t annoy, as drop-downs are a very common pattern, but to me this data input is a throwback and us (all web designers) — we need to get rid of this unnecessary step.

What I’ve learned?

  • Try to understand the user’s motivation
  • Learn how to use the onboarding in a non-standard way and solve a problem simultaneously

User flow


#2 — Buying something on Stripe

This video was made by and shows you a full process in details

What’s good?
Checkouts in Stripe is a separate art form. Short and easy components look like nice UX museum pieces to me, which should be exhibited in a separate stand. By the way, here I see a really cool responsive sample of Figma brotherhood.

User flow


#3 — Creating an invoice on Stripe

This video was made by and shows you a full process in details

What’s good?
Billing system in Stripe is also very well organized, but of course you need to be aware of general design pattern rules which stay the same within one service.

What’s bad?
Here I would like to mention my comment about the drop-down menu feature applied everywhere even if it is unnecessary. I am always searching for new patterns and here is my own collection which I call figjam-file within the digest-design, which I update with new elements every fortnight. If you follow, you will find some alternative ways of menu suggestions.

User flow



Stripe is considered as a new standard in our modern e-payment world — it’s easy to use, has various settings, and what is most important — can be connected via API. The direction where Stripe design-team is moving resonates in my heart. Once I was curious to try to reproduce some sections of the flow from Stripe and I realized the amount of scrupulous work they do, how attentive one should be to create a high-quality product. That’s tons of work.



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