User flow uncovering. Upwork

Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2021
Upwork, case study, UX, user flow

No time to explain. In this series of articles, I do a quick website review, where I analyze three flowchart aspects such as onboarding, killer features and dark patterns. Grab these ready-made user flows for free and build your own. Today, we are going to focus on Upwork. Without further ado, let’s get into it.

#1 — Creating a job post

This video was made by and shows you a full process in details

I’ve worked as a freelancer on Upwork for a while and even got the Rising Talent badge. But every time I connected with potential clients, I felt like I was missing something important. I also didn’t always feel on the same page with them. That’s why I’m so curious about Upwork’s dark side of the moon. I mean… the client’s side.

What’s good?
Hiring someone on Upwork seems like a solid process and the general impression is the following: to get a reward, I need to go through seven complex steps. There are strong decisions behind using the right field types, that’s why we don’t have any of those ugly scrolling issues or space-saving troubles. But…

What’s bad?
Why shouldn’t we use the same consistency principles for the process as for choosing UI elements? I mean, If designers needed to choose between two field forms, why wouldn’t they just join them? Functional consistency makes the journey more smooth and intuitive. It makes the product more predictable, in a good sense.

What I’ve learned?

  1. You need time to make the right decision about the form type
  2. Design is more about subtracting rather than adding extra

User flow

User flow, Upwork, case study

#2 — Accepting an invite

This video was made by and shows you a full process in details

What’s good?
Well, it’s a cute flow with a welcoming step-by-step microcopy. Upwork may be the best HR tool and it probably will stay so in the future.

What’s bad?
There is some bureaucracy in describing my role at the company as an employee. And what do I have to fill in if I’m not sure about my title? Right, ‘other’. The most popular role in any company in the world.

What I’ve learned?

  1. There is always an alternative to ‘other’ radio button
  2. Don’t ask users personal questions unless it’s absolutely necessary

User flow

Upwork, case study, UX

#3 — Inviting people

This video was made by and shows you a full process in details

What’s good?
Fast and intuitive flow without any extra steps or additional information. But did I go far enough?

What’s bad?
I’m a bit frustrated about the status of my invite. Has it been received? Already been read? Or lost in the middle of somewhere?

What I’ve learned?

  1. Custom ways to communicate with your users are more than just great

User flow



It feels like Upwork’s user flow is missing some steps — while the existing ones can use some improvement, too. But this is just my bird’s-eye view of the platform’s key features. Hope this quick review will help you see your user flow from a different angle and make it better.



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