2021 Project Management troubles Solved!

Suresh Karpatiya
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2021

With the changing work culture even in the traditional organizations, the ways of managing people and projects have completely flipped. The trend of “Work from Home” is here to stay now and even in the foreseen future. The introduction of complete remote working and collaboration has brought difficulties especially in the management sectors. The failure rates of projects and delays have risen more than ever.

Work From Home

Although times have been difficult, organizations got to catch up with the time and adapt quickly to change. And one such example to make this challenging adaptation smooth is ProjectBoard. ProjectBoard is the modern day project management tool, apt for today’s work culture that supports remote collaboration and multi-field organizations.

To understand the practicality and importance of ProjectBoard, the trends in project management for upcoming future are enlisted below and how these trends have hit the organizations.

Increased remote working

This is the time where organizational working ways have taken a dramatic turn. Onsite working is no more a necessity and with growing remote working and collaboration needs, traditional tools have lost their value. There is need for project management tools that can incorporate multiple teams working on multiple projects and able to collaborate remotely anytime from anywhere. ProjectBoard is one such tool that is web based, can integrate multiple users allocated to multiple projects and working on them with easy accessibility on any device from anywhere at any time.

A welcome to inclusion of differences

The trend of merging teams at different levels and working on diverse projects simultaneously has made the availability of advanced features in project management tool a necessity. ProjectBoard is the perfect tool for such organizations. With the features like, user friendly, easy accessibility, multi user integration, billing, insights and communication, there is practically nothing that this tool cannot be used for. No matter the field of industry, this PM tool is just apt for any and every organization.

Quick Communication Support

With all the considerable pros of remote working individually, for a team that has always coordinated on site with on board meetings, quick desk meet ups, conferences remote working can be quite challenging. In fact, communication could be the biggest barrier for accomplishing tasks on time. For this very reason, there should be a tool that supports quick communication with the members of the team that are working on the same projects to avoid delays and miscommunication. And by tool here we mean, the same tool on which you are managing tasks and projects because using different tool for communication and different for PM, we go back to square one with delays and dilemma.

Need for analytics and insights

The data has gained its value now more than ever in every field of business. The analytics that data can provide plays a huge part in any organization’s success and hence, it is precious even in project management. Projectboard provides deeper insights into various factors that affect project’s success and failures. These analysis and reports are vital for risk management, allocating resources, calculating efficiency, and finding the gaps to fill in the upcoming project cycle.

Advanced project management tool

Advanced project management tool

The emerging technology and working methodologies demand for more advanced tools that can achieve complex goals in a simplified manner. A tool such as Projectboard can simplify the complexities faced in project management smoothly at no cost. The fact that it can be adopted in multiple industries considering the benefits it offers and its exceptional features makes it the perfectly advanced project management tool that is user friendly too.

If you are tired of the tools you have been using or in search of something that suits you better, Register on ProjectBoard Link and make your life easier!

