A Key Stages to Successfully Manage Your First Project.

Suresh Karpatiya
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

As a project manager, when your boss gives opportunity to manage a project with the team, you will be excited to manage overall project very well with the team to clients. However, this is the first time you being responsible for the big project and you should take care of below points to manage the project.

At first, know the seven stages of the project to start successfully.

• Brief Documentation
• Select Project Budget
• Project Planning
• Assign and Execution
• Monitoring a progress
• Completion in time
• Team Evaluation

Brief Documentation: Before start project, you will have to headstand the SOW (Scope of Word) of the project. So for that gather as much as information about the project from your boss or client you work for in detail, make sure the project is the best fit for your team skill. Create one clear document of SOW and approve with your client or boss, it may have the update in the document that that change and creates revised version of the document and makes approval. For huge project many company take service fees to prepare this documents as well.

Select Project Budget: With the SOW document, you will have a clear idea about how much time the project will take to complete, how many resources need to complete the project, what other expenses cover the project. Make the total hours of uses and calculate the total manpower cost, add office infrastructure cost, add other expenses if any and add company profit. By this, you will get the nearby estimation of the project budget. Give quote with your business terms to your client and take approval to go ahead with a project. Once you receive Green signal to go, create once Performa invoice and send to a client to get the advance payment. For a huge project, many companies take services fees to prepare Brief Documentation as discuses in the first point.

Project Planning: Okay now, you have SOW document is ready and you have the clear idea about the entire project to make project line up with a team. As you are aware of the key skill of company and company will able to deliver the best in time. According to the project skill requirement choose the team to work on the same project, and split the project in particular task to work smooth.

Assign and Execution: Assign the project to team leader with the timeline of the final deadline, Team leader will study the scope of the project and assign the separate task to the end user with the deadline. Now every co-worker in the same page to communicate the project with the specific deadline for task and project.

Monitoring a progress: Now everyone working on a project is on the same board to communicate each other with progress line. Keep briefly communicate with the co-worker, and manager and your client also give updates and his reviews on the work that is in progress. To make clear communication you can share screenshot or images or links that you want to explain to manager or client.

Completion in time: As every co-worker is aware of the project deadline and they will do work accordingly to complete in time. Team leader gets updates from each task running and together give reports to client and boss. Once all done create the final invoice to the client and collect payment.

Team evaluation: Do not forget to cheers the entire team from Team Leader to End User who worked for the single small task. Your client will also give the review of your success project competition.

This is the entire stuff you can able to manage through Project Board a SaaS based Project and Task Management tool, Start with Free now, You can also use Android App too.

