Suresh Karpatiya
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2019

“The strength of a team is each individual and strength of each project is a team.”

Collaboration is a term that is redundantly used in the Large, Medium or even small Business. Almost anybody in any field can explain the term but the reality is as light as it sounds, the term carries a lot of weight when it comes to implementation. Collaboration is the main ingredient in the recipe of successful project.

Team collaboration has the biggest impact on project management
Team Collaboration

52% of Businesses say that team collaboration has the biggest impact on project management.

Any organization needs a team of people to work on a project and smooth collaboration is the key to successful teamwork. Collaboration is achieved when a group of people collectively contribute their expertise for the benefit of a shared objective of a project or mission.

Collaboration is a continuous group work, when a designer works with content writer to design a graphic, a front end developer works with the programmer to build a web design and together they coordinate and work with each other to complete a goal. Whether it’s an IT Service Company, Advertising Agency, a Customer Service, Management Company or just a bunch of freelancers working in synergy, collaborating can now be easy with ProjectBoard. Project Board fits any industry with features that aid in communicating with your team, clients, managers, take quick decisions, give evaluation and complete work efficiently, without any glitches.

Benefits of using project management software like ProjectBoard for team collaboration are

1. Work Efficiency: When collaboration among team members is strong, it depicts a rhythmic work flow thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency resulting in quick progression of the project towards completion.

2. Time Management: Time is crucial in any phase of project, be it planning, development or deployment. Aligning the tasks with the deadlines and completion time estimate is crucial for avoiding project delays. Collaborating on a platform like ProjectBoard instantly cancels the necessities of frequent meetings and email interactions which can take up ample time to come to a conclusion, it provides project time estimations and raises flags for the project delays.

3.Project and Task Allocation: In organization, usually a team involves different people from different department that are grouped together to achieve short term goal. For instance a project with multiple counterparts might need a team with multiple skill sets and expertise to work on different tasks relevant to their field. Project Board allows you to balance the work distribution and easy allocation of even a single task to a single member.

Project and Task Allocation
Project and Task Allocation

4. Client Retention: Project Board provides an opportunity for you to include your client on board to keep him in the loop. This encourages client to trust the workflow and be more cooperative with the team working on projects. Moreover, it increases client satisfaction and retention rate.

5. File Sharing: Using emails for sharing files and communicating is tedious and outdated. It can cause unwanted delays and might require days to complete one small conversation or task. Communicate with the clients, team members and managers, share files with them instantly with Project Board. Having a platform to communicate and share files with your in house or remote members instantly, saves ample time which can be utilized for other high priority tasks.

6. Employee Connection: Can you recall the childhood feeling of getting a star remark on your home work? We all loved that subject, teacher as well as the homework just to get a star. Similarly, when a well connected group of people work on a goal, the likelihood of achieving the goal fruitfully increases and let us not forget the delight of being appreciated. When any person is appreciated and evaluated for the efforts that were put, it increases connectivity and motivation for the efficient work. Project Board has the feature to review your fellows for their hard work and appreciate their time and effort.

7. Solve Problem: When you stumble upon an obstacle in a project, you might reach out for help or try to resolve it yourself. This is the point where collaboration plays a key role. If other team members could know the point at which you are stuck, they would collaborate and help to make a progress on the task.Now disclosing such issues in meeting could be embarrassing or approaching team mates personally might not be a piece of cake.

This is when you need a platform like ProjectBoard for transparency and collaboration to achieve easy communication and quick solution to the problem.

8. Team Evaluation: No matter the type of work, what keeps you dedicated to your team is appreciation. At the end of the day we all need a little pat for the efforts we put in. Don’t we? In a collaborative environment, member evaluation and appreciation definitely encourages team members to work more closely, enthusiastically and efficiently. Project Board gives you opportunity to make your collaborative team and clients happy with team evaluation feature.

Great Team Evaluation
Great Team Evaluation

ProjectBoard is efficient and easy to use project management tool especially designed to manage your projects effortlessly and profitably by keeping your employees and clients in the loop through discussions, updates, project progress and announcements.

