The New Year Resolutions Every Project Manager Should Strive For.

Suresh Karpatiya
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2019

New year, new resolutions and project managers are no different. They constantly have to struggle to keep up with the changing trends, monitor time and budget, manage entire team, keeping stakeholders happy etc and the list is endless.

Try to be a good project leader and not just a project manager

Project managers are always busy in improving productivity in order to achieve desired output. If you are a project manager who always tries to make new resolution then you have arrived at correct place.

In this article, you will find some of the basic but important New Year resolution that you as a project manager must take into consideration.

· To be a good communicator

You probably might have heard about it like a million times but you simply just can’t deny the importance of communication. Because even a slightest gap in communication can cause biggest of the problem. An effective communicator means more successful projects and less misunderstandings.

Spend more time with your team and concentrate on important things. Use available time judiciously; adopt “talk less and listen more” strategy. Establish two way communication channel where your team members can express their views and opinions without any fear.

And this approach is essential not only with team members but also with stake holders. Communicating with stake holders is equally important; include them in crucial decision making meetings and keep them informed about the status of the project.

· Effective risk management strategy

You may have a risk management strategy that may have worked for you every time you faced any undesirable situation. But there is always a room for improvement and 2019 might just be the year for it.

Constantly monitor your business process, making improvements wherever and whenever required. This will allow you to mitigate any risk before any irreversible damage can occur. Having a risk management strategy and constantly monitoring it will help you manage any kind of possible risk in the long run.

· Setting good examples

Try to be a good project leader and not just a project manager. You need to employ rational and analytical thinking. Stop giving just orders, instead lead from the front. One simply cannot succeed at project management without leadership qualities.

Taking the lead will show how committed you are to your responsibilities and will encourage and motivate your team members to do better. You need to set an example for them to look up to if you want them to perform better.

· Emphasize teamwork

Teamwork is the key factor for timely and smooth completion of a project in any organization. Spend as much amount of time as possible with your team. Being a project manager does not necessarily mean you just measure and monitor, be a part of the team. Encourage them to help each other. Make them realize that they are not just a group of individuals working together but a ‘team’.

Teamwork is the key factor for timely and smooth completion of a project in any organization

One of the best method to encourage teamwork is using team management software to easily communicate with each other. Failure or achievement is the responsibility of each and every member of the team. So don’t cultivate the mentality of ‘that is not my problem’.

Having said that, the most essential part is to practice what you preach and put everything into action. Model a strategy to achieve all your goals and celebrate little milestones. Learning something new should be on everyone’s to do list.

Wishing you a happy and successful 2019!

