What is The Listen Campaign?

Dubin Ng
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2021

The Listen Campaign is designed to illuminate the problems faced by the world’s one billion vulnerable and severely disadvantaged children.

Combating the scourges of poverty, disease, pollution, climate change, war, conflict, exploitation, and racism, this is a campaign about children telling their own stories in their own words: providing a truly global and unique perspective of their needs.

In year one, The Listen Charity will focus on supporting 75 projects from the world’s top children’s charities.

“Listen is inviting the world to change the lives of millions of children forever.”
— Samuel L Jackson

The Scale of the Problem

Before Covid, there were 1 billion vulnerable and disadvantaged children in the world. Covid is thought to have increased this figure by 20%.

  • 700 million children are living in multidimensional poverty
  • 640 million children are without adequate shelter
  • 400 million children are without access to safe water
  • 383 million children are brought up on less than $1.9/day
  • 270 million children have no access to health services
  • At least 60 million children get no primary education
  • Nearly 50 million children are refugees or migrants.

Many projects and charities try to help these children, but the sector’s marketing and communications are fractured, sub-scale, and inefficient. Very little illuminates their problems or celebrates the proven solutions that could be scaled up or replicated.

What is The Listen Campaign?

Launching in 2022, this truly global media campaign will leverage emerging technologies, combining new and traditional media channels, and the creativity of major stars and artists to build a worldwide community of supporters.

It will involve 80 stars and artists known internationally, and 20 from each of India, Africa, and Latin America, and is expected to reach over 500 million people globally.

Led by legendary producer Tony Hollingsworth — the man behind historic global issue campaigns including the “Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute” and “The Wall Live in Berlin” — this unprecedented media initiative is expected to increase awareness of the problems faced by vulnerable and disadvantaged children, and the projects that help them, by more than 200%.

In a decade, The Listen Campaign aims to:

  • Generate $4 billion of media exposure about solutions to their problems
  • Activate a community of 35 million supporters
  • Provide $1bn of grants to children’s projects.

The Tribute Archive

To raise funding for the launch of the 2022 global media campaign, Listen will be releasing a series of exclusive non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from The Tribute Archive.

Due for release in Q3 2021 these NFTs are an exclusive collection of digital assets, memorializing historic music events, including:

These NFTs are truly unique, candid snapshots of legendary performances — bringing fans closer to the artist and the important moments in history they capture.

When launched, fans can purchase these unique NFTs via the Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop platform, using the Listen Token ($LSTN).

How can I support Listen?

The Tribute Archive NFT program and launch of $LSTN are just the start; each year over 100 of the world’s top Star Creative Artists from Art, Digital Art, Literature, Music, and Film — and tens of thousands of citizen artists — will contribute to and create unique content for The Listen Campaign.

Selected content will be minted as NFTs and The Listen Campaign will curate these limited edition digital collectibles via scheduled drops and auctions on the Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop platform.

Participants will be rewarded for sharing, recruiting, contributing, creating, participating, promoting, competing, using, and donating.

All transactions, from purchasing The Tribute Archive or Listen NFTs to participation in The Listen Campaign media program will be facilitated by $LSTN.

“We are really pleased to be launching the Listen Token, providing unique benefits to holders and helping support this next stage of the campaign’s development. We will launch the Auction site with our archive of great artists, and then continue after the artist launch of The Listen Campaign — the first truly annual and global campaign involving the world’s greatest stars from film, music and arts. It will go on for years to come helping the world’s vulnerable and disadvantaged children, and delivering benefits to token holders.”
— Tony Hollingsworth

The $LSTN Allocation Mining Event

In collaboration with LaunchPool, Listen will be allocating a percentage of $LSTN to a token event called an Allocation Mining Event (AME). Participants in the event will be given first access to the token.

To take part in the $LSTN AME, make sure that you have joined our Telegram group, where regular announcements will be made.

Click here to join our Telegram!

About Listen

Listen is the first global annual media campaign designed to help 1 billion vulnerable and disadvantaged children around the world.

The Listen Token ($LSTN) unlocks access to the Auction & Shop: the official destination for social impact digital collectibles from the world’s top musicians, artists, creatives, and celebrities.

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