Forget New Years Resolutions

Jiro Taylor
The Flowstate Collective
4 min readDec 31, 2018

Be wary of these things. Why? Because they’re full of shit.

Because they come from a place of scarcity.

When we say stuff like “I’m going to lose 5kg and workout every morning”… I’m going to launch my business next year”, there is a real focus on what you have NOT done and NOT achieved so far.

This draws the mind into the territory of lack, rather than the abundance of infinite possibility.

This is a very typical theme of our modern culture and one that marketers gleefully capitalise on. But why the hell would we use the same tactics as cash focused marketers on ourselves?

Truthfully, New Year's resolutions are just goals that our ego’s wrap up in fancy, grandiose, end of year uniform, that capture some of the energy inherent in beginning a new arbitrary cycle of time.

Goals are not bad. But goal obsession takes our mind away from what we already are and what we already have.

Time spent conjuring up new years resolutions would be better spent reflecting on your awesomeness and ancestry.

LIFE IS AWESOME. You are awesome.

We somehow exist in this infinite universe, and inhabit a lush planet that spins at just the right speed to keep our feet on the ground, but without squashing us, but still allowing us to jump, and all this happens at just the right distance away from a huge energy source that powers us, without freezing or frying us.

On top of that sheer amazingness, we have ridiculously awesome stuff like tropical fruit, mountains, surfing, cuddles, books, flowers, trees, art, beaches, didgeridoos, wine, tantra, Bob Marley, tree-houses, wisdom traditions, genius, science, plants that open the mind, plants that heal.

We have bodies that can run, jump, dance, hug, shag, swim, orgasm, and skip.

We have minds that can remember, visualise and imagine utterly new creations.

We can express, we can feel, we can think… we can create. Wow!

Over a period of millions of years simple life has evolved and adapted, and from single cell organisms, a process of natural flow has resulted in YOU… and I… and all the other magnificent creatures and plants that co-inhabit this planet hurtling through space.

All of this is truly miraculous and certainly worth celebrating!

But as a counterbalance to all this awesomeness, we have the mind made concept:

“It is not enough. I am not enough”.

And this is where we have the fundamental choice.

We have the power, to use our minds, to put this miraculous cerebral technology to its greatest use.

Which is…. (*drum roll please*)

To choose our attitude, our mindset, the frequency at which we emanate vibrations from within.

This is our greatest power, and it requires each of us, individually to reclaim this power and say:




For when enough of us make this basic choice, there is a critical mass that will be reached….

And it is only when critical mass is hit and this way of living has its own momentum will all the changes we all want to see in the world manifest

We are all microcosmic fractals that make up the macrocosmic whole. The combined flavour or frequency of our accumulative choices is what creates our collective consciousness, the macrocosm.

This means that when you change, the world changes.

Photo by Yousef Espanioly on Unsplash

So… drop all the old stories that didn't serve you. Love yourself and respect yourself because you are magnificent.

You are truly astonishing in your complexity and sophistication as a living being.

Appreciate your journey through life, as layers of experience, healing, growing to create new wisdom. Choose your perspective consciously.

Remember that reality is subjective, meaning that there is no fixed reality.

This means the story you tell yourself is contrived by your own mind. So make it a wonderful one. Be your biggest fan. Be kind to yourself. Put down the mask.

Remember that vulnerability is power. Shine brightly, be real. Speak your truth.

Be impeccable with your word and deed. Explore what intrigues you.

Do it with the curiosity of a child.

Smile from the inside out. Spend time in nature.

Understand that you ARE nature.

Love each other. As we are all magnificent, magical beings. Take responsibility for change.

The macrocosmic change is a result of microcosmic change within.

As someone wiser than me said: “Be the change”. And as for those new years resolutions…. replace them with habits that serve your highest visions.

Reflect on the year that has gone by. Do this alone.

Go sit under a tree with a notebook. Some people might tell you to think about your top ten highlights, but in my experience, it's not about cool stuff you did.

It's about what you felt and how you expanded.

So ask yourself: “In this year, what have I learned? In what ways have I grown? For what am I grateful in my life in this present moment? What abundance do I have in my life?

Then when you have reflected on this for a while, and only then, is it time to look ahead to the year ahead when your heart is full of appreciation, when you are fully zoned in on what naturally overflows in your life…

only then is it wise to turn your powerful consciousness onto what you wish to manifest into your life in the future.

