Healing my Eye-sight: A psychosomatic & metaphysical approach to becoming Visionary

Jiro Taylor
The Flowstate Collective
5 min readFeb 11, 2019

It’s now 16 weeks since I wore glasses or contact lenses.

I have been healing my eyes after realising it is possible and then receiving teachings on how to do it.

Right now my physical vision is better than it has been for decades.

My metaphysical vision, insight and access to visionary states is better than it has ever been.

Previous to this I wore plastic contacts on my eyeballs every day for the last 11 years.

The capacity we have to self-heal is profound when we choose to take full responsibility for it.

My path is mostly about healing the trauma/ stories that manifested in the past that correlates to loss of long-sighted clear vision, sungazing and lots of loving, healing vibes.

Here is a brief write up of my process:

First of all, before I went to Peru, a friend and I made a firm decision that we could and we would heal our eyes. We realised that we both had the BELIEF we could self-heal, and we decided to commit to taking action on that belief.

This part is key. There will be no self-healing without the belief.

Then I went to Peru, and worked with a sacred medicine for 3 weeks with a clear intention to heal, which took me on many journeys to my past and to examine the roots of trauma that I had directly experienced… and also ancestral trauma.

Then in an ayahuasca ceremony, I was visited by a benevolent blue being, who began doing some kind of energy work on me but not on my eyes. It was like alien reiki on my lower 4 chakras.

The being left, and I was shown a very detailed schematic of the eye- like the kind of graphics you might see in a really high-quality documentary on the eyes, where you see the eye from all angles, and the different components of the eye separated and put back together.

Then, I had an instant understanding that my loss of vision correlated to the metaphorical loss of vision at certain stages of my life.

Many times in my life I was faced with huge decisions, that I was led to believe had serious long-term ramifications.

For example… at the age of 15 I had to decide whether to stay in my mothers religion.. at 16 I had to choose what academic subjects to focus on… at 18 what degree to study.. at 21 years old what my apparently life-long career would be.

At the time I believed these to be humungous life changing, long term decisions.

However, during these times, I had no long term vision. I was confused about the future.

I had had no rites of passage, no initiations into adulthood, no maps laid out before me, no initiation into cultural ways of becoming.

I was extremely shortsighted. Like most young men, I wanted to have fun… and not focus on a future that I had no idea about, especially seeing as I had very little self-awareness, no mentors, zero direction in life other than an inner guidance to have fun.

This lack of long term vision, combined with a societal pressure to somehow conjure up a long term vision created internal dissonance/ trauma.

I remember many times feeling “less than” for not knowing about my future. I remember having a feeling that I was defficient for not knowing that I wanted to be a vet or a pilot or an astronaut or… where I wanted to live or how I wanted to live my life.

Anyway… these specific instances of pain correlate exactly with when my physical vision began to deteriorate.

The pattern is: Self-judgement and pain for having a lack of long term vision > loss of physical long sightedness. Emotional wound = physical wound (loss of vision).

So the work I mainly do to heal my vision is to go to the past and heal the emotional trauma that took place, and manifested in my physical body, through self- acceptance, love, forgiveness etc..

I tell my younger self that it was natural to feel confused about the future and I did awesomely… that kinda stuff. Forgiveness work.

I call this process quantum time travel… we really can go to the past and change it by changing the stories/ perceptions/ consciousness we have of it….

I also sun gaze religiously… y’know to connect with the source and allow in the light (and to further demolish the fearful stories about the sun Iwas indoctrinated with).

I also send my eyes loving vibes and give them massages.

I eat the right stuff and have started doing some basic eye exercises…

focusing/ refocusing, kinda like taking your eyes to the gym. rolling them around.

I’ve heard great things about this book, and there is a well-known method called the Bates method. Neither of which I have explored yet.

But for me… it is mostly a psycho-somatic approach to healing that I find is most beneficial.

It’s months now since I wore contacts or glasses.. and I don’t even think of my vision as being impaired even though I'm not saying its 20/20 or anywhere close.

However if I put my glasses on now, my vision is blurry.

In man made environs like airports, it is harder to read signs or see longer distances.

But in natural environments, I see exactly what I want to see… or I'm meant to see.

Surfing in low light, dawn or dusk used to be a struggle for me.

Now I thrive in it… and a lot has to do with the joyful acceptance of my visionary capacity, of which physical vision through eyes is just a fraction of the whole…

My healing work is opening the doors of perception. Not just improving my eye-sight, but improving my hindsight, foresight and insight.

In an inter-connected holographic universe, all is connected. To become visionary, we must understand vision as a whole. To heal ones eye-sight, look within to how that whole has been fragmented by un-healed pain and trauma.

