Play before You Plan- A Story of a Surfing Waves & Consciousness

Jiro Taylor
The Flowstate Collective
4 min readFeb 11, 2019

Yesterday (January, 7th 2019) I tuned into some collective consciousness frequency that it was Monday, so I should start work after the holiday break…

But that felt like a shit idea when I sat at my desk.

All this hype around the new year & this idea to start work because its Monday.

Especially when I didn’t feel like getting back into work!

So I did the only sensible thing and took myself into nature for a solo ceremony. I then meandered to a beautiful surf spot that has magical vibes.

I had the intention to drop into the silence beneath the noise…

I hiked through the national park and arrived at the surf spot just before low tide, and my consciousness had shifted into a liminal state of open wonder and awe.

I found myself cloud-gazing as pieces of “inner knowing” arranged themselves in my mind-scape.

Then a bush turkey came at my banana, to remind me there’s a thing called surfing, and as I looked up, sets of waves rolled in breaking beautifully over the sand bottom point.

The sensual curves of the ocean lured me into her depths. By the time I had paddled out to where the waves were breaking I had planned out most of my year…

…or to be more accurate, the information and actions that corresponded to my highest visions became arranged in a sequence that felt natural, joyous and just right.

Then I surfed wave after wave, but differently to how I think I usually surf.

I think I became the wave or the wave became me or some kind of blending happened, and as I don’t think I “did” anything. #quantumentanglement

I think Alan watts would have said: “I am a wave on which the universe is surfing itself”. 🙂

The roundness and smoothness of a wave as it breaks on itself is something special.

It tickles some primal hardware in my brain… probably a sexual thing, I’m sure Freud would say. Hope not my mother though. 😬

At one point diving deep into the ocean became more appealing than surfing, so I breathed up and dove down and down…

…marvelling at the magnificence of blues and greens, time warping into foreverness… as life on a single breath engulfed the totality of consciousness…

I could hear some dolphins chattering, so chattered back and for a few moments experienced what it is to be a dolphin (not a bad incarnation at all, as it happens).

I surfed some more and it felt like pure play. In the play, the kinks of my mind smoothed themselves out. The seriousness was long gone.

The mind-made pressures evaporated and the hilarity of how serious our egos make life cracked me up.

In the space created by my joyousness, I could see what I have avoided, the shadows in the depths yet to be blasted by the light… the shit I’m yet to fully release.

And just when I thought I had life all figured out, a fucking giant bluebottle (jellyfish) wrapped its long stingy tendrils around me…

As I realised that the bluebottle was wrapped around both my legs and arms and the reflexive thrashing of my arms was causing more entanglement… I started laughing.

I could hear someone like me saying:

“Ah yes, Bluebottle Jellyfish medicine… very potent. What a blessing!”

The pain soon stimulated more productive action that searching for the meaning in the stinging, and I set about locating the ends of the tendrils and peeling them off me, which means of course, getting stung on your finger tips.

I realised that once you’ve been stung all over, you become kinda immune to more stings.

I think pain of certain types has an upper threshold and once you reach it, there isn’t more pain. I know this because I got tangled up 2 more times!

I took that as a message to get out the water.

So I ate my banana on the beach… and had a snooze. Then I felt like surfing more, so wandered to the next pointbreak… which was pumping.

I jumped off the rocks… and lo and behold a set comes right away. Old mate takes the first one and I take the second wave, barely make the drop, grab a rail and I’m inside the barrel.

At warp speed, I ride inside the vortex of raw energy, before the wave eats me, humbles me and takes me for a spin deep below the ocean.

I call it a day.. what a day. Sure as hell beats sitting at the desk trying to force some work.

Key lessons:

  • Remember to play…
  • Let go let flow
  • Don’t fight the jellyfish
  • Come to a place of wholeness before taking on projects or diving into work
  • Surfing waves & consciousness is what life is about

