“Return to Source” — A Poetical Guided Meditation

Jiro Taylor
The Flowstate Collective
3 min readAug 16, 2018
Photo by Thiago Palia on Unsplash

I was on a flying 30,000 feet in the air on my way to Bali, feeling transcendent and euphoric as one sometimes does on planes.

The song Time by Hans Zimmer came on through my headphones. I decided to do some Wim Hoff breathing in time to the rhythm.

It took me on a profound journey.. waves of energy pulsed along my spine as I visualised energy flowing through all layers of life.

From the multiverse to the universe, to the galaxy, to the solar system, to the planet, to all the life forms upon her.. to the energy that pulses within us… all is flowing.

I wrote a poem and then overlaid it on Hans Zimmer’s track.

Please click here to listen to “The Return to Source”.

Here are instructions to maximise your experience:

  • Listen through headphones- volume quite high
  • Relax body, close eyes..
  • Sync your inhales and exhales in sync with the rise and fall of the beat.
  • Breath fully and deeply through nose or mouth, without any pause between inhale and exhale or exhale and inhale.
  • Near the end of the song (at 3:35), there is a crescendo to peak sound- when this crescendo peaks, exhale all air in your lungs… until you are at neutral.. not empty. Relax.
  • Hold this exhale breath hold, bringing your awareness into your body… until the song finishes
  • Then take a huge inhale, spreading energy around your body.
  • Read the words below if you like. Here is the link to listen to the audio.


Return to Source

An Explosion into form,

Energy sprays wildly

into the great mystery

Dancing particles of condensed radiance

Can you feel this flow?

— —

She spins and orbits

A blue droplet in the dark vastness

Amidst geological timelessness

Oceans roar, glaciers carve, species fade away

Can you honour this flow?

— —

Life upon her flourishes

Herds, flocks, packs and pods move

In rhythm, the synergy of sweet coherence

Harmonizing to the beat of a single drum

Can you hear it’s flow?

— —

Tribes come together

To listen to the love song of source

Beckoning us into action

Igniting flames of honour and remembrance.

Can you hear the call, to flow?

— —

For you who accepts this call, it arises within

Undulating through your body

Heart quickens and opens

Breath pours into breath eternal.

As you ready to return to this flow?

— —

Source we ride, through infinity

Across the multi-dimensional plains of timeless space

Surrendering to power & grace

Being that which is called into Being

Let us connect through breath in flow.


In quiet ecstasy

We rest in great peace

Our tormented minds

No longer Beaten by the restless seas

For in the depths of trust we know we flow.

We are the source.

Originally published at www.flowstate.co on August 16, 2018.

