Fluence Project Update February-March 2019

Artemy Domozhakov-Liarskii
Fluence Labs
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2019

Hi Fluencers,

We’re working hard to keep more great news flowing, here’s today’s agenda:

  • The Fluence Devnet: live and available for the developers.
  • Community Blockchain Week (March 2019, Paris): Fluence events (including meetups and workshops), Ethereum Magicians video and more.
  • Demo Night with Near and Cosmos in Berlin.

The Fluence Devnet Launch

The Fluence network combines fast responses to the client with game-theory based mechanics of postponed validation that ensures punishment for the nodes behaving incorrectly.

The Devnet is the first incarnation of the Fluence network that provides real-time code execution in a decentralized network. It is capable of running high-load applications with a massive userbase since day one and offers ready-to-use databases out of the box.

It contains all the tool set needed to start building with Fluence and provides a straightforward developer experience allowing to deploy and launch a decentralized SQL database app right from the network dashboard and instantly incorporate it into the application.

The Devnet is built for the developers and early testers and comes with a handy toolset that will make building and deploying for Fluence much simpler:

  • Command-line utility — provides a convenient interface for the developer to solve mundane tasks: register/delete Fluence nodes, deploy code, etc.
  • Javascript SDK — allows the app frontend to connect to the Fluence cluster hosting their backend code or database and interact with it from the web browser.
  • WebAssembly Rust SDK — A Rust library to make it easier to develop and deploy your own backend/database.
  • Network Dashboard — a monitoring UI for the Fluence network that provides a convenient visual interface to see the current state of the nodes that execute your code and the whole network.
  • A set of tutorials, such as: a guessing game or the workshop example: a dice-game with decentralized backend and frontend integration.
  • Documentation describing the Devnet in detail and in depth.

All these apps will exist in a decentralized network each inside a small efficient cluster with Tendermint consensus — and these are not some future plans, this functionality is already up and running.

You can see the current network state and stats (number of active nodes and apps) on the dashboard in real-time.

While the idea of Fluence is evolving, we stick to our origins: launching an SQL database inside of a decentralized network — how cool is that?

If you are a developer working with blockchain tech, help us make the next big leap with two easy steps:1. Check out the docs, dashboard, and tutorials.
2. Share your feedback, ideas or questions have with us on Discord, Telegram or email.

Fluence at The Community Blockchain Week in Paris

With the Devnet available we’re now focusing on inviting developers to tackle with it and get the taste of how rich decentralized applications could be run on Fluence.

A huge “Thank you!” to the Community Blockchain Week and ETHCC (Asseth FR), and ETHParis Hackathon (by ETHGLobal) teams for letting us squeeze as many events as it was physically possible!

The icing on the cake was the Devnet dedicated workshops where Dmitry showed how you could deploy your app to a cluster in the network, set up a database, and create a front-end integration all within less than an hour time.

The workshop followed a the dice-game tutorial — you can do it yourself and we’d be happy to help, just ping us on Discord or Telegram!

🎂 Ethereum Magicians Paris Council celebrates its first anniversary 🎉 More than seventy people had gathered for a discussion and round-table session, while ten times as much (over 700 views) in watched online stream sponsored by Fluence.

In case you’ve missed it or had never been to a hackathon before, we’ve also got the opening and closing ceremonies of the ETHParis Hackathon stream recordings.

Fluence, Near, Cosmos in Berlin

Following the positive feedback in Paris, we’re arranging a whole new event in Berlin!

We invite everyone passionate about decentralized technology and where it could bring us: see it in action on Monday!

Our official groups on other platforms:

Also: important Devnet links.



Artemy Domozhakov-Liarskii
Fluence Labs

Strategy and marketing for complex products and technologies.