Fluence Project Update, September 2019

Artemy Domozhakov-Liarskii
Fluence Labs
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2019

Hey, Fluencers!

This month’s update brings you deeper engineering highlights along with some fresh content and the announcements for future events. Let’s jump right into it!


Rust Community Moscow Meet Up

Rust continually gains popularity in the decentralised community, so it feels like our Rust meetups are a great way to share knowledge and ideas on its applications to the problems we face in the decentralized tech. This time we’ve shared a scene in Moscow with the engineers from Near and Parity.

Fluence Components Bounty

One of the critical features of the emerging Fluence ecosystem is openness: anyone can join and tailor a full-featured cloud service for the specific needs of their application, project, or organization.

The crucial part that should make this possible is a collection of open-source components (libraries, services, and other spare parts) for the developers to use. New projects will be able to start building on top of the ready-to-use modules and focus on their applications, saving time and effort, instead of worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Developing such a collection is not a small feat, and we believe it should be a collective effort.

That’s why we’ve started a “Components and Services” bounty: build the tools for the developers, bring value to the ecosystem, and get rewarded!

New projects will immediately appear on the Awesome-Fluence list: a curated collection of available components, services, and applications built with Fluence.

Decentralized Backends for CryptoGames

In our continued effort to find more insights on what DApp developers might need, Artemiy will give a talk at the CryptoGames Conference in Kyiv on how the games with in-game crypto-assets could utilize the power of a decentralized backend to provide even more value for their players.

A talk from the last CGC (April, Minsk) presenting the results of the DApp Survey is available on the conference’s channel on Youtube.

That’s not the only Fluence event for October, stay tuned for more updates regarding the San Francisco Blockchain week!

Engineering Highlights

This month we were focused on stabilizing the codebase, improving reliability, and preparing for the new big features.

  • Improved security for the miners’ nodes by removing the root access requirement for the node.
  • Websocket API for Fluence apps is passing the internal testing phase.
  • Improved composability for Fluence core (work in progress).

We’ve Switched from Asmble to Wasmer

Fluence is built upon the WebAssembly specification. While picking the Asmble virtual machine was a great decision at the time Fluence was doing its first steps, the Wasmer community feels more vibrant and evolves rapidly. Fluence moved from Asmble to Wasmer to gain momentum and bring more benefits to the ecosystem.

Working on the Access to Ethereum Data

Deeper Ethereum integration is one of the most requested features among all the planned ones, that’s why it is going to be our main focus on the following month. The goal is to allow receiving Ethereum events to Fluence applications, using Ethereum as a canonical source of user data, and as an external source of time (to schedule applications’ callbacks on new ethereum blocks generation).

The former also means that the applications run on Fluence would have unhindered access to all their data on Ethereum (new transactions and transactions history, accounts and balances, assets ownership and transfer, etc.).

More about Fluence in our official groups:

Discord: Fluence Network

Twitter: @fluence_one

Reddit: /r/Fluence

Telegram: FluenceOne

Github: Fluence Labs

Also: important Devnet links.



Artemy Domozhakov-Liarskii
Fluence Labs

Strategy and marketing for complex products and technologies.