Subnets Release on Kras Network

Evgeny Ponomarev
Fluence Labs
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2023

Hey Fluencers,

The team just rolled out an important update to the Kras network (Fluence testnet), that includes all of the latest features we’re been working on throughout the year. The protocol is now more secure, performant, and closer to feature completeness. Read more about updates below and join our community call tomorrow (Thursday October 5th at 5pm UTC) to hear about our progress and roadmap.


We are introducing updated subnets: replicated deployments for your applications. Subnets allow you to add qualities like fault tolerance, consensus and load balancing to your functions.

Every time you deploy an application to the Fluence network, you are defining a subnet configuration (amount of peers, acceptable pricing, etc) and ensuring your code deployed to specified amount of peers. Subnet peers follow the coordination code that you write in Aqua, which can implement failovers, consensus or quorum algos, load balancing across peers, and any other distributed workflow.

Subnets are tied to on-chain marketplace deals where all the participating peers and subnet configuration are managed. You can check out deployment quickstart to find detail on deploying subnets.

Get started here with subnets.

Fluence Peer (Nox)

The team has revamped the rust-peer: now called Nox. We also added arm64/aarch64 support, allowing devs to reliably run development environments on Arm based machines (M-series macs & alike). It now comes with a set of monitoring and healthcheck http endpoints, so it can be properly run in production grade environments.

Additionally, we’ve introduced the ability to run your own private compute provider or local development environment to prepare to join the Fluence Mainnet network. Contributed CPU compute capacity will earn FLT rewards after the Mainnet launch.

Please note that we are going remove all the services from the Kras environment that were previously deployed; if you would like to keep using them, you will have to redeploy them.

Developer Features


  • We’ve Added Aqua tracing — we introducefluence aqua --tracing compiler flag to Fluence CLI, that augments AIR produced from Aqua with integrated tracing logs. Logs are inserted on each Aqua function enter and exit. Logs are sent back to original producer of particle. Be sure to check our aqua changelog
  • AIR beautifier tool was included into fluence air commandlet of Fluence CLI that helps explore compiled air scripts in a human-readable format
  • Abilities in Aqua — a way to organize code in modules and implement inversion of control pattern in Aqua.
  • Lots of small quality of life improvements

Marine and MarineJS

  • Introduced multi-module feature to MarineJS. Now Marine JS re-uses the same code as Rust Marine implementation, only giving it a Wasm VM interface for accessing it via browser.

Fluence CLI

  • Moved our CLI tooling to Node 18.
  • CLI automagically checks for updates
  • Projects that are scaffolded with Fluence CLI now have detailed annotations in configuration files

Core Protocol

Aqua VM

  • CRDT maps. We added two new key values types: mutable maps and canonicalized immutable maps. They are intended to improve structures handling as well as provide high-level map-like primitives to the Aqua language.
  • Particle Signatures (proof carrying data for Proof of Execution) — we are driving Fluence towards the fully trustless computation model, where every code execution will be provided with an verifiable and auditable proof that the computation was done correctly. Computation proofs are distinct for Aqua and for Marine: by introducing Particle signatures, we’re advancing the implementation for Proof of Processing in Aqua and are in the research stages for Proof of Execution for Marine. The particle signatures mechanism is a cornerstone of all security guarantees which Aqua/AIR brings. One of the main guarantees is that if a peer-in-the-middle changes a particle content, e.g. results of services execution, then it will be eventually revealed by other peers. This introduces mechanisms of both signature generation and checking and is the essential building block of the computation verifiability.

New content and events

See recent presentations by Fluence founders and find more videos in the Fluence Youtube channel.

Build with Fluence

Join us at the upcoming community call on Oct 5th, 5pm UTC to walk through all the exciting updates and watch presentations from the teams buildings on Fluence

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