The highest standard in AI — AI Guild #datacareer

Data Scientist (m/f/d).

Chris Armbruster
Fluent in Data


A mid-level competency profile.

The challenge of the 21st century is to mitigate climate change so that human life becomes sustainable. Does it feature in your professional mission?

She is a Data Scientist

She has been in the industry for two years and secured a second role for which her professional mission, domain expertise, and values align: “Reducing our carbon footprint.”

Data Scientist. A mid-level competency profile for sustainability.

For companies and practitioners: The competency profile validates your technical competency and domain expertise in data. It recognizes you as a specialist and advances your career to Senior, Lead, and Director. By practitioners, for practitioners — this service is provided by the AI Guild.

What do you see in the competency profile?

You are looking at a profile emphasizing the data-driven nature of the solutions provided.

  • The in-depth expertise in data analytics and predictive modeling builds on the competency in Data Ops.
  • She focuses on the optimization of demand and supply with analytics and modeling.

A/B testing and dynamic pricing models have a beneficial impact on matching supply and demand. Improving usability (e.g., microservices) and analyzing it from a customer perspective enhances your domain understanding.

The competency profile highlights rapidly developing domain expertise for matching platform demand and supply.

Alignment of the professional mission

The competency profile indicates a mission-driven change of focus from reducing the carbon footprint of mobility to construction. It entails a switch of focus from platforms to materials.

AI Guild competency profiles for companies and practitioners.

Practitioners have a variety of backgrounds. The field is very interdisciplinary. Very many practitioners have done something else or different before. It is an excellent opportunity for more impact. She achieves this impact by combining her physical chemistry background with her data industry skills to revolutionize how we build, live, and work as we urgently accelerate our journey to carbon neutrality.

Taking responsibility

Taking responsibility means leading. She has taken responsibility for aligning her career with her professional mission. It is a fundamental step in empowering her to be the best Senior she can be. It is superb if you are so clear about your professional mission.

It reminds me of a profile statement shared earlier “I am bringing machine learning skills to the energy industry to help decarbonize the supply of heat and electricity.”

The AI Guild’s 2000+ Specialists

The AI Guild is Europe’s leading practitioner community in Data Analytics, Data Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer Vision, and MLOps.

Do you want to progress to Senior, Lead, and Director?

It takes 60 days to build your competency profile. You can find out more by booking the first conversation to gain more insights at



Chris Armbruster
Fluent in Data

Director, 2400+ Data Analytics and Machine Learning specialists | Data Leader | Keynote Speaker | Use Cases in Production