Mission and profile statement for the Machine Learning Engineer (m/f/d).

Chris Armbruster
Fluent in Data


Use it on LinkedIn, and your CV or résumé.

The very best mission statements enable colleagues, leaders, and companies to understand who you are professionally in seconds.

I am a Deep Learning expert with 3+ years in computer vision and visual search and 8+ years of programming in Python and C/C++. I continuously improve my strong analytical and statistical skills based on a Ph.D. in theoretical physics. I have a taste for challenging tasks and open problems in Machine Learning.

Successful search and mission statements

For your inspiration, we share mission and search statements that have advanced careers and helped generate new opportunities. We start with Data Scientists and will add other data roles later. Please follow Fluent in Data to be notified.

“I am a Machine Learning expert leading on the architecture of end-to-end solutions, especially for data-intensive products. I have experience with job scheduling and monitoring tools (e.g., Airflow, Prometheus, Grafana). Previously in the mobility sector, I now focus on NLP for education products. I enjoy working with designers, developers, and DevOps to build features users love.”

I am an MLOps engineer for NLP & CV with experience in optimizing infrastructure and productionizing models. I focus on model training and deployment in microservice ecosystems with CI/CD integration and end-to-end testing. I’m passionate about maintaining high data quality, comprehensive testing, and writing clean code.

“I am a Machine Learning Engineer with 5+ years of Python experience and an advanced degree (ML & Robotics, Technical University). Coding and algorithm development is my flow. I am actively looking for a first role in a Berlin startup, preferably deploying ML in finance, health, or manufacturing.”

I am an ML engineer with a Ph.D. in Physics and software engineering and a high-performance computing (HPC) background. I excel at analyzing and deploying data-heavy simulations integrated with Deep Learning algorithms. I have a growing interest in NLP. I am actively searching for a new challenge anywhere in Germany.

AI Guild mission and profile statements for Machine Learning Engineers

“I am a Python developer with expertise in data analytics (3+ years) and an emerging ML portfolio. I have contributed an open-source library to Python. My competency in data processing, statistics, modeling, optimization, and data visualization is advanced. I am actively looking for a new challenge in Berlin or Germany, preferably in a larger company with a data team of 10+ practitioners.”

I orchestrate the productionization of the use cases, e.g., a real estate platform for virtual guided 360-degree viewings. We built a Computer Vision architecture for buyers, sellers, and business partners. I have a track record in marketplaces, real estate, and recruitment. To meet business objectives flexibly, I combine FTE and freelance contributions as well as off-the-shelf and proprietary algorithms.

“I am a Data Engineer for time series and image analysis and actively looking for a new challenge in Bonn/Cologne or Germany. I recently decided not to pursue a Ph.D. in Astrophysics but to move to the industry. My interest is in medical, satellite, and Internet data, especially in a company with an established data-driven product.”

I am a Machine Learning engineer (e.g., TF, Scikit) with extensive industrial experience. Previously, I focused on data analysis, including time-series predictions (NumPy, SciPy) with a large impact on aircraft maintenance costs. Based on project management and team-building expertise, I lead the end-to-end delivery of ML-based solutions.

Writing your first mission statement

To draft your first mission statement, you may proceed as follows.

  1. Define your data role, and name your strength, e.g., industry experience, domain knowledge, and methods used repeatedly.
  2. Look ahead, and write the statement for your next challenge or professional opportunity.
  3. If you are searching: Be specific about the preferred industry, type of company, and city.

We share statements anonymously. If you would like to share your statement, please get in touch.

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The AI Guild is Europe’s leading practitioner community in Data Analytics, Data Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer Vision, and MLOps.

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Chris Armbruster
Fluent in Data

Director, 2400+ Data Analytics and Machine Learning specialists | Data Leader | Keynote Speaker | Use Cases in Production