The highest standard in AI — AI Guild #datacareer

Technical Profile of a Data Scientist (m/f/d).

Chris Armbruster
Fluent in Data


Enhance your opportunities at work, on LinkedIn, and for your CV.

Based on the technical profile below, an AI Guild member got hired by one of the top three companies.

What is a technical profile?

It allows the reader to understand your role, skills, and competency level at a glance. Your reader may be, e.g., a manager, client, or recruiter. Your profile needs to be dense and clear because your reader will make an initial judgment in 60 seconds or less.

  1. Role: Whatever key concepts, programming languages, methods, and tools you mention, it must be clear at a glance what your data role is, e.g., Data Scientist, ML Engineer, or NLP practitioner.
  2. Skills: As a Data Scientist, you make visible your domain expertise and specialization, e.g., statistics, data infrastructure, and graph models.
  3. Competency-level: Your reader wants to know your level immediately, e.g., if you are Senior or Lead and how many years of experience you have.

Example 1: Lead Data Scientist (m/f/d)

Lead Data Scientist, AI Guild Technical Profile

How does the profile highlight expertise?

  • Building data infrastructure for ML applications
  • Document processing with NLP and CV
  • Graph Databases and Neural Networks

Writing your best technical profile

Specialization is vital as companies organize data, scale infrastructure, and grow teams. I have seen too many technical profiles listing programming languages, methods, and tools. Lists typically do not add up; they don’t highlight your profile. Also: Something for everyone is often nothing to anyone.

Highlighting your skills and competency-level

Use headlines to guide your reader. In the examples above and below, you see the use of key concepts, such as Data Science, Databases, Statistics, Machine Learning, and so on.

The combination of key concepts you choose provides the reader with rapid orientation. The specific skills, methods, or tools you list give the concepts meaning; they show your experience and domain expertise.

To indicate your competency level, you can add years of experience. Your competency-level is particularly relevant for programming experience, where it makes sense to suggest how long you have been a regular user of, e.g., Python, R, or SQL.

It is legitimate to reduce and omit

Please don’t cram your technical profile with everything you know. Too much information makes it hard for the reader to focus.

Writing for today and tomorrow

To write your best technical profile, you may focus on the past two years and the following year. Why?

The past two years define your current skillset: you are up-to-date and have expertise. You develop professionally. Possibly, you have new skills that you want to use. Hence, it is legitimate if your technical profile has flow if it highlights your current expertise and points to where you want to go, e.g., promotion, an adjacent field of expertise,

Example 2: Entry-level Data Scientist

Entry-level Data Scientist, AI Guild Technical Profile

How does the profile highlight expertise?

  • Prior experience with R and Python packages
  • Understanding of Classical ML
  • Numeracy, with a strong background in statistics

Uses of your technical profile

Practitioners are most interested in writing their technical profiles when looking for a new opportunity. I recommend using your technical profile at the top of your CV and the About Section on LinkedIn.

However, your technical profile has more uses.

  • Professional development: Use your profile to understand your training and development needs.
  • Go-to-expert: Use your profile with your company or freelance clients to be recognized as the go-to expert.
  • Career opportunities: Systematically build your technical profile to achieve career advancement.

Example 3: Senior Data Scientist

Senior-level Data Scientist, AI Guild Technical Profile

How does the profile highlight expertise?

  • Building data infrastructure for ML applications
  • Document processing with NLP and CV
  • Graph Databases and Neural Networks

The AI Guild’s 1800+ Specialists

The AI Guild is Europe’s leading practitioner community in Data Analytics, Data Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer Vision, and MLOps.

Do you want to progress to Senior, Lead, and Director?

It takes 60 days to build your competency profile. You can find out more by booking the first conversation to gain more insights at

AI Guild



Chris Armbruster
Fluent in Data

Director, 2400+ Data Analytics and Machine Learning specialists | Data Leader | Keynote Speaker | Use Cases in Production