How To Buy A Fluf Part II — Buying Your First Fluf

FLUF World
Published in
9 min readOct 14, 2021

So you’ve read Part I for some essential background on NFTs, you’ve got your eyes on a Fluf and you’re keen to push go?

Here, we’ll guide you through the process of buying your first Fluf!

First you’ll need a couple of things:

  • A digital wallet
  • Some Ethereum

Let’s hop in.

Wallet + Ethereum

Like most popular NFTs Flufs are stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

To buy one, you’ll need to get yourself some Ethereum, and transfer it to a digital wallet like Metamask. For this tutorial, we’ll be using Metamask as our preferred option.

Let’s get started:

Downloading & Installing Metamask

Metamask is a user-friendly digital wallet for storing cryptocurrency. Available as an iOS app, or extension in a browser like Chrome or Brave. It’s a simple way to store your Ethereum for use when minting NFTs or shopping on an NFT marketplace like Opensea. It’s also where your NFTs will be stored!

First, you’ll need to download it.

Download Metamask

Head to the Metamask website to download the extension or iOS app. For this tutorial, we’ll be using the Google Chrome browser.

Download and install the extension for Google Chrome

Create your account on Metamask

With the extension downloaded, follow the prompts to create a new account. You’ll want to make sure you write down your Seed Phrase and keep it somewhere safe, to ensure you can access your account if you forget your log-in information. Remember to never give your Seed Phrase to anyone!

Understanding your wallet

Once set up, your wallet extension will look something like this, accessed next to your other extensions in Chrome. You can click into it at any time to check your balance and perform functions, like changing the Network, copying your Wallet Address or performing an action like depositing or withdrawing your cryptocurrency.

For now, just note that your Network should be set to Ethereum Mainnet when transacting ETH, or using Ethereum blockchain services, or NFT marketplaces like Opensea.

Wallet Security

This part is VERY important. Unfortunately, scams are rampant in the NFT and crypto space. There are unscrupulous accounts, projects and general scammers out there who will attempt to obtain your Seed Phrase, with some of these being:

  • Impersonation of a Moderator or Support role, in a project Discord you are part of.
  • Sending you an offer to an underpriced NFT that will lead you to a fake Opensea and Metamask portal.

There are more out there, which we will cover in a post of its own. The key and golden rule is NEVER SHARE YOUR SEED PHRASE.

Keep it safe, hidden and never give it to anyone, or enter it anywhere other than an official, verified Opensea page like Fluf World. If you are unsure, or if someone has approached you with an offer that seems too good to be true, remember to ignore it.

With that out of the way, let’s get you some Ethereum!

Ethereum (ETH) is the blockchain network and cryptocurrency that the majority of NFTs are traded on, and with, including FLUF World.

To buy some, all you need to do is visit your favourite crypto exchange, buy some Ethereum and send it to your wallet.

You can also purchase Ethereum directly through your Metamask wallet, which is the method we’ll be using below.

Buying Ethereum

Fortunately, topping up your Metamask wallet with some Ethereum to use on your NFT adventures is a piece of cake!

Just click ‘Buy’ in your Metamask wallet, then select your chosen payment gateway like Wyre.

Pick your chosen amount, pay by Credit Card, and in a few easy clicks, you’ll have some fresh ETH in your wallet ready for your first-class ticket to FLUF World.

If you have ETH handy, or already use an exchange like Coinbase or Binance, you can simply copy your Metamask wallet address indicated above and send your Ethereum here. It should arrive in a few minutes.

Now, you’re ready to go shopping.


Buying a FLUF

So your Metamask wallet is ready, you’ve loaded up some ETH and you’re ready to find your favourite FLUF?

Hop on over to Opensea via their website, or through our own website Fluf World, by selecting ‘Buy’ from our menu.

Opensea is the leading marketplace for NFTs on the Ethereum network and home to a number of exciting projects, including FLUF World, found here.

When you’re there, you’ll need to connect your wallet to access your Profile, by clicking the circle icon at the top of the page, then connecting your Metamask, or chosen wallet.

Search for your favourite NFT project *cough FLUF World *cough, then click the link.

A great rule of thumb is to only trust projects with the blue tick next to the name, as these are official and verified by Opensea.

Welcome to the FLUF World marketplace. We’ve been waiting for you!

Now it’s time to find and fall in love with your Fluf of choice!

Browse away.

There are thousands of Flufs being traded at any one time by Fluf owners. Find one you like the look of by scrolling through the options, or using the filter on the side.

You can filter by Price, Buy Now, Auction, or the properties of your FLUF. Remember, there are over 260!

Love our Tiger fur options? Just hit ‘Tiger’ under ‘Fur’ and browse away.

With your Fluf chosen, now just click on them to be taken to their profile, where you can view stats, see their current owner, how many times they’ve been traded and what the current price is.

You can also view their unique traits, getting to know what makes them special before you venture down the rabbit hole.

You can see your Fluf’s Fur, Background, Ears, Expression, Clothing, Accessories and more.

Contract Verification

For added safety, you can also check the Contract Address under your Fluf to make sure it’s official. While all the listings under our Official Opensea Collection are safe to purchase, you can view the Contract Address in the Details section under your Fluf.

This will take you to an Etherscan page, where you can see the Official FLUF Token Tracker, and link to our profile.

Ready to make it official? Now it’s time to purchase your chosen Fluf.

Check that you are signed in to your Metamask, and connected to the Ethereum network and you’re ready to go.

You should also make sure you have enough ETH in your wallet for the price of your Fluf and a small amount left over for Gas Fees.

Gas Fees

Actions performed on the Ethereum network require computing energy to process.

For this, Ethereum charges users a Gas Fee: a fee added to your transaction, used to execute functions like buying and selling, transferring items, or changing your metadata.

Due to the rapid growth of the Ethereum blockchain and the high volume of transactions they process, Gas Fees can be volatile. They will vary based on the capacity the network is running at, and the complexity of the contract you are processing.

If you want to estimate Gas Fees at the time of processing, you can use a tool like ETH Gas Station.

The key message here is to ensure you have a bit of extra ETH on hand to cover the transaction cost when you go to buy your Fluf.

With that sorted, now all you need to do is Bid on your chosen Fluf, or Buy Now.


If bidding, you’ll need to ‘wrap’ your Ethereum.

This involves converting ETH in your wallet to WETH (Wrapped Ethereum), a process that essentially swaps your Ethereum and places it on hold as a smart contract, giving you Wrapped Ethereum to transact with. This is able to be redeemed by the receiving party for your original ETH.

While diving into this would add another layer of complexity, rest assured your ETH is safe and sound. This is a more flexible and functional way for the network to process bids, and you can convert back and forward between ETH and WETH as you like.

From here, you simply convert as much ETH as you want into wrapped ETH, complete the transaction when you receive a Metamask prompt, then you’re ready to go.

Happy bidding!


To buy, Add Funds to your wallet to ensure you have enough to cover the transaction.

When your wallet is topped up and ready to go, simply hit Checkout, fulfil the transaction via Metamask and you’re done!

Your new Fluf is on its way to your wallet.

Checking your Wallet

Go and say hi!

Click your Opensea profile and head on over to your wallet.

When the transaction is processed, you’ll be able to see your FLUF in there, safe and sound.

Now, the fun begins.

Head to Fluf World and venture into the Underground. You’ll be able to connect your wallet and as a proud new member of the Fluffle, you’ll be granted access!

What lies inside…. Well, you’ll need to bring your new Fluf along to find out.

How to Buy a Fluf — Quick Guide

Official Website Links

Wallet & Currency

  1. Download Metamask, or your chosen cryptocurrency wallet.
  2. Create an account and store your seed phrase, and log-in details safely.
  3. Connect your wallet to the Ethereum network
  4. Purchase Ethereum in your wallet, or send Ethereum to your wallet address from an external wallet or exchange

Browsing & Purchasing a FLUF

  1. Head to FLUF.World
  2. Click Buy to head to the Fluf Marketplace on Opensea (a secondary NFT marketplace)
  3. Connect your wallet via the ‘Profile’ section, to access your profile
  4. Browse the FLUF World marketplace on Opensea to view available Flufs
  5. Select your chosen FLUF
  6. Ensure your Metamask, or chosen wallet has enough Ethereum, and is connected to the Ethereum network
  7. Ensure you have enough Ethereum to account for Gas Fees, paid to process your transaction
  8. Bid, or Buy your chosen Fluf
  9. View your purchased Fluf in your Profile

Visiting the Underground

  1. Head back to FLUF.World and click Underground
  2. Connect your wallet to be granted access — you’re in!
  3. Join the Fluffle over on our Discord.


