FUCK THE WAR — Charity Scene Mint Guide

FLUF World
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2022

Fluffle, it’s time to #StandWithUkraine.

For 48 hours, our ‘Fuck the War’ Charity Scene will be available for mint in The FLUF World Underground.

This mint is open to ALL, so whether you’re new to the Fluffle, or would simply like to contribute and support a worthy cause, here’s a guide to get you started.

Thanks for your generosity ❤

Minting a new Scene or Sound in FLUF World is always an exciting time.

When you’ve got your shaking under control, just hop in and follow these simple steps.

1. Hop into The Underground

Head to under.fluf.world and connect your digital wallet.

2. Enter the Store

You’re in!

Now, enter the Store by clicking the door on the left.

3. Find the FTW Scene

At the time of mint, the available scene will be front and centre of the Scene Vault.

The quantity and price (in ETH) will be displayed on the vault.

Hit ‘Buy Scene’ below, then follow the prompts via your digital wallet to complete the purchase.

If you want to try your Scene on for size and don’t have a FLUF yet, now’s the perfect time.

Browse the collection here: https://opensea.io/collection/fluf-world

4. Swap your Scene

Time to show FLUF World where you stand.

Click ‘Select Fluf’ and you’ll be taken to our Scene & Sound swap vault.

From here, use the arrows to navigate through your available collections, ’til you find the Scene or Sound you’re wanting to apply to your Fluf.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: There is a one time GAS fee required the first time you approve your Fluf for Scene or Sound swapping.

Each Scene and Sound swap also requires a GAS fee, as this swaps the Scene and Sound NFTs between your wallet and our storage vault.

We don’t take any of these fees — they are paid to process the transaction on the blockchain.

For new swappers, hit Approve, wait for the transaction to process, then hit Save to confirm the swap.

Enjoy your new scene!

5. Spread the Word

Now it’s time to spread the word. Download your Fluf in their new scene by selecting them from your available Fluffle.

Share it on Twitter with the hashtag #StandWithUkraine @FLUF_World and let’s encourage everyone to contribute to a worthy cause.

Let’s #StandWithUkraine and show the world that Любов (Ukrainian for ‘love’) is a stronger force than war and hate.


