Non-Fungible Labs — Auckland City Mission Donation

FLUF World
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2021

One of the greatest privileges we have as an organisation is being in a position to give back; a value near and dear to our hearts, made possible by the support of our incredible community.

After our donation to Sustainable Coastlines a few months ago, we’ve been looking at ways in which we can continue to support incredible organisations this year, working tirelessly to protect the world around us and the people within it.

When the story of Bryne Gregory caught our eye, the decision was made then and there. A former surf lifesaver and firefighter who suffered from homelessness, alcoholism and debilitating injuries, Bryne was able to get back on his feet with the help of the Auckland City Mission, a local charity, committed to supporting the homeless and our society’s most vulnerable. Now, on a mission to give back, Bryne is walking over 300 kilometres with a walking frame before Christmas to raise much-needed funds for the charity at which he now proudly volunteers.

Seeing Bryne’s story is a shining example to us of the power brave individuals have to do incredible good in our world. Something that compounds when a community gets behind them to lend a hand, contribute and champion these efforts too.

Through this donation, made possible by our Fluffle, we hope to express our deepest gratitude to legends like Bryne and the volunteers at the City Mission for the invaluable mahi they do day in and day out to help those who need it most.

Message from Non-Fungible Labs CEO, Alex Smeele: ‘’I’m so honoured to be in a position where we can give back to those who need it most. People like Bryne and the countless other heroes who sacrifice untold hours to help those in need are a true inspiration to us, and a shining light in a world that can often feel dark and indifferent to the suffering of others. But none of this would be possible without the support of the amazing community we have built. This donation isn’t from the team at Non-Fungible Labs, it’s from the global community behind FLUF World, and they should all be incredibly proud of this moment, as we are of them.’’

Message from Non-Fungible Labs Co-founder, Aaron McDonald: ‘’As a child, I relied on the kindness of those who donated to support families in need. I remember there were times that the only reason we had Christmas dinner was due to the work of people like the Auckland City Mission. I’m honoured to be able to repay that kindness back in part today.’’

The donation was made directly to the Auckland City Mission. If you’d like to support Bryne’s efforts directly, please consider a contribution to his Givealittle fundraiser here:

