Thingies — It’s time to meet the newest creature of FLUF World!

FLUF World
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2021

Last week, something crept its way into The Underground. Thingies, shrouded in mystique and now the subject of wild speculation in our Discord.

But what exactly are they, how do you get yours, and what will they mean for FLUF World?

While some questions will have to be left unanswered until our big reveal, here’s the first introduction to your Flufs soon-to-be companions.

What are Thingies?

Like all things in FLUF World, Thingies are the subject of great mystery. Why exactly they’ve come, or what they are, even the most wrinkle-brained Flufs have yet to determine.

What we do know is that they come in peace. That soon, like everything in FLUF World, they’ll have their own special part to play. And that on All Hallows Eve, this fated Fluftober, The Summoning will take place: an event of such monumental significance, that its impact will ripple through FLUF World, for millennia to come.

Until then, you have one thing to do. Get yours, and fast.

How do I get one?


Thingies are free to mint (+gas), with ONE Thingie per Fluf available for all Fluf holders.

Simply visit The Underground, view ‘Your Flufs’ and select ‘Thingies’.

A message will show if you have Thingies available to mint. Simply click onto the mint page, select your Flufs to mint their corresponding Thingie, select ‘Mint’, then complete the transaction via your digital wallet. You can mint up to 10 Thingies in a single transaction. If you have more than 10 Thingies to mint, please wait until the first transaction has been completed before trying to mint more.

They’ll arrive in your wallet shortly, ready for The Summoning later this week.

NOTE: If you purchased your Fluf on Opensea after Thingies were made available for mint, your Thingie may already have been minted and sold.

You can verify this by searching your Fluf’s ID number in our Official Thingie Collection on Opensea BEFORE you purchase your Fluf. If it is not showing in the collection, it may still be unminted.

Please note, it is your responsibility to verify this before purchase to avoid disappointment.


Our Official Thingie Collection is live on Opensea!

If you:

  • Want to buy more Thingies
  • Want to check whether a Fluf’s Thingie has been minted and onsold
  • Have bought a Fluf that has had its Thingie claimed and want to buy one
  • Are looking to join FLUF World at a more accessible price point

You can view and purchase available Thingies here.

Simply visit the collection, select a Thingie and complete the transaction via your digital wallet.

Your new Thingie will appear in your wallet, ready for our reveal.

The Summoning

Shaking yet? So are we.

This Halloween, Thingies will emerge from the shadows, revealing themselves to us all.

If you have yours minted, and in your wallet, all you need to do is sit tight.

After the reveal, you will still have at least 1 week to mint your Thingies.

What do you think Thingies could be? Share your thoughts with us in Discord.

We’ll be announcing the exact time of the reveal and other key info you don’t want to miss in there. Hop on in.

