Reboot the office.

Marc Gregory Knowles
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2019

How hyper-collaboration software is redefining teamwork.

Speed. Complexity. Disruption.

These are the things companies deal with every day if they want to survive and grow. They have to innovate — and this requires a culture that fosters a new breed of hyper-collaborative teams to work a better day.

The rules for collaboration are changing.

Companies are in a race to understand what consumers need, and then deliver something that is more innovative, more valuable, more life-changing than their competitors. It comes as no surprise that leaders are turning their focus toward productivity software that helps build cultures of speed and hyper-collaboration that can drive growth & sales.

These new teams are constantly collaborating: Their days are filled with a never-ending exchange of information and ideas, working in rapid project cycles. Their tasks are interdependent and their projects fluid.

You may already know or even use some existing tools like — Slack, Trello, Asana, Microsoft Teams or Google Keep. These tools are great, but they operate in silos — only really solving one independent business problem. You know the feeling, jumping from WhatsApp to Slack, and searching your email inbox as panic starts setting in — where is that file? This wastes time and stifles creativity within teams. thinks about the problem differently. Focusing on where teams spend most of their time (and often waste most of it too!) — meetings.

We understood that meetings are the cornerstone of business collaboration and that it is probably the most broken process in today’s business world.” — Mark Kayser, CEO of

Fluid takes meetings from the office to your pocket. Helping teams meet less and more effectively — tracking the impact of decisions and actions in real-time.

Harvard Business Research reveals that 71% of senior managers think that meetings are unproductive and inefficient.

In daily meetings — teams are closing out their actions around 40% on time. With Fluid, teams are seeing 80% of actions closed out on time. Creating faster project cycles. Fluid’s software isn’t just focused on more hyper-collaborative meetings, it’s mission is to decrease total meeting time in order for teams to focus on deep thinking.

Customers have also seen up to 30% decline in total meeting time by inviting Fluid to their meetings while seeing an improvement in the effectiveness.

“Before Fluid our monthly finance committee meeting time was two hours. With the inclusion of Fluid, the meeting time was reduced to twenty minutes for important updates only.” — Managing Director, Barclays Africa.

It’s no secret that work-noise is the enemy of productivity. Work can be everywhere and anywhere — and it’s not always easy to stay on top of who needs to do what by when. Fluids Sprint and Kanban Boards pull that work together giving teams real-time visual clarity and understanding of what’s next up to be delivered. Everything is in one place — and when you’re not jumping between email and other task tracking and/or collaborative solutions you can get a boatload done!

Teams today need to navigate a fast-paced flow, bouncing between team members, iterating and improving on each other’s ideas. Everyone is accountable to keep work moving forward. It’s time to reboot the office.

Fluid is already helping teams like Absa Bank, Investec, Massmart, Santander & Pepsico collaborate more effectively and provide more analytics on where teams are spending their time.

“ Fluid takes the pain out of planning meetings and allows for a much more engaging approach to feedback, project management and closing out of action items.” — C.O.O, Santander.

If you’re interested in helping your team — work a better day! Click here to book your Fluid demo 👉



Marc Gregory Knowles

Interface Developer — Fuelled by a purpose to solve big, meaningful problems that have social scalability. Head of Growth @